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    Fabio Capello 'should have gone in 2010' - FA councillor
    By Stephan Shemilt BBC Sport

    Fabio Capello should have been removed as England manager following the 2010 World Cup, according to Football Association councillor Peter Coates.

    Capello, whose side were defeated in the second round in South Africa, resigned on Wednesday.

    Coates told BBC Sport: "We had a terrible World Cup, he was responsible for that and he should have gone then."

    The international committee member also criticised Capello for "never having bothered" to fully learn English.
    jepjep. harryga oleks tänavune euroopa tiitel juba käes ning brasiilia2014 oleks vaid vormistamise küsimus. ning mandaric pritsib heale sõbrale boonust ka veel selle eest.


      Algselt postitas MNa Vaata postitust
      Nii kui neeger(võib ikka öelda?) ütleb, et talle öeldi pahasti, on ütleja süüdi.
      Mine ütle Inglismaal mõnele mustanahalisele neeger. Ja kui miskipärast kurjaks saadakse (võib juhtuda, võib muidugi ka mitte), siis võid ju alati öelda, et meil siin Eestimaal on see täiesti okei. See ma usun leevendab! ...


        'With Harry, two plus two always makes five, not three. Harry sees the whole picture' - Milan Mandaric in The Guardian
        "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend




            Algselt postitas andreasr Vaata postitust
            Mine ütle Inglismaal mõnele mustanahalisele neeger. Ja kui miskipärast kurjaks saadakse (võib juhtuda, võib muidugi ka mitte), siis võid ju alati öelda, et meil siin Eestimaal on see täiesti okei. See ma usun leevendab! ...
            Inglismaal ma ilmselt ei kasutaks sõna "neeger", sest ma tean, et see võiks solvata. Hetkel olen aga Eestis ja kasutan seda sõna nüüd ja edaspidigi.

            Aga üle on rassismiteema visanud juba ammu. Vahel tundub, et muust enam ei kirjutata.


              Algselt postitas Kenny's Heroes Vaata postitust
              Puhast t6ugu inglane ka teine ju hihihi


                'arry says he can can handle the Euros, as long as they are unmarked and untraceable! - keegi internetis.


                  Capello resigned from his post on Thursday evening after speaking out against the FA's decision to take the armband away from Terry, who has always denied the charges against him.

                  "When you look at the statue of Bobby Moore outside Wembley, that is the stature that we are looking for from England captains."
                  David Bernstein Quotes of the week

                  "If there is a problem, it's for the manager to assess it and sort it out," said Bernstein.

                  "That's what managers are paid for.

                  "It is not the chairman and the board's role to get involved in day-to-day team selection."
                  FA on ikka paras JOKE...loodame suuremat sorti h2vingut Euro-l


                    juba valib koosseisu


                      Algselt postitas Kenny's Heroes Vaata postitust
                      Pauli tagasi tulek oleks küll ime. Aga siiski:
                      Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust
                      Hart, Jones, Smalling, Walker, Richards, Wilshere, Cleverley, Sturridge, Welbeck
                      You need people who score goals, that's how you win games.


                        Redknappi palkamise varjukülg.
                        The trouble is that the one good thing Fabio Capello did for England, albeit very belatedly, was to spend his last year introducing a group of younger players who showed every sign of supplanting the underachieving veterans. The Italian seemed to recognise that the big names were unlikely to get any better, and the debuts of Jack Wilshere, Kyle Walker, Chris Smalling, Andy Carroll, Phil Jones, Gary Cahill, Jack Rodwell, Danny Welbeck and Daniel Sturridge, along with the consolidation of the roles of Ashley Young, Joe Hart and Theo Walcott, brought a fresh mood to the squad.
                        If he decides to accept the FA's offer, Redknapp will take the job on a flood tide of goodwill. But it would be flecked with disappointment were he to roll back the advances of the past 12 months in favour of creating his very own Dad's Army through the restoration of the golden oldies en masse. It might even be a mistake.
                        the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                        because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                          Oskus genereerida selline lugu, kus golden oldies en masse naasevad, ühe väikese Scholesi võimaliku kaasamise repliigi pealt on ikka legendaarne. Sama legendaarne kui sinu vaev seda siin eraldi välja tuua . Redknapp pole veel peatreener ja ammugi pole teada, mis suuna ta koondise koostamisel võtab. Noorenduskuur on paratamatu ja väheusutav, et Arry seda ei taipaks. Korralikku balanssi on vaja ja selle leidmisel võib ta küll vabalt kümnesse panna.
                          Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


                            Algselt postitas jyriöö Vaata postitust
                            Oskus genereerida selline lugu, kus golden oldies en masse naasevad, ühe väikese Scholesi võimaliku kaasamise repliigi pealt on ikka legendaarne. Sama legendaarne kui sinu vaev seda siin eraldi välja tuua .
                            Nonoh. Redknapp ei jätnud ju mainimata, et armastab ka Lampsi ja Steviet, Terryst rääkimata. Kahtlemata toob ta Matty Upsoni keskkaitsesse ja helistab Mickey Owenile, Becksile ja Suurele Emile'ile.
                            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                              Armas ütlus Myles Palmeri poolt:
                              England have lost a manager who can't speak English and want to give the job to a Cockney who says he can't read or write or fill in a team-sheet.


                                pfa olevat soovitanud JT'l kohtuotsuseni käepael loovutada, a ta (ühes oma "nõustajatega") ei olevat kuuland. ei tea küll kui kredibiilne antud väljaanne on, äkki natuke ikka.

                                mingit debatti vast vaja pole, lihtsalt informeerimaks erinevaid osapooli võimalikkest stsenaariumitest.
                                buy the ticket, take the ride.

