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Chelsea FC

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    Algselt postitas eston maravilha Vaata postitust
    peale scott sinclair'i pole chelseal tulevikku
    Milleks selline vihane postitus?


      rõõm, mitte viha


        west ham vs. chelsea

        Täna siis võtame ette naabripoisid spammerid. Tegelikult on karta üsna rasket mängu, kuna spammerid võitlevad ülesjäämise pärast ja teame nii paljudest hooaegade lõppudest, kus püsima jäämise nimel suuri favoriite ohus olevad klubid kotivad

        aga seda ei juhtu täna

        2-0 sinistele


          No nii siis natuke ka häid uudiseid- Robben võib naasta juba 10 päeva pärast, seega CL-i second legiks peaks ta terve olema ja pooli kaitjatele peavalu tekitama


            3 punkti tuuakse koju, no doubt about that, aga iseasi mis hinnaga, ManUle läks see maksma Evra ja 3 kollast(Rooney, Ronaldo, Smith), loodame et meil läheb asi libedamalt.
            Little things worry little minds.

            Carlo Ancelotti, 2009


              Algselt postitas fitti Vaata postitust
              Milline löök! Ei teagi kohe, mitmemilline.
              Sheva kicks himself to injury list
              jokers to the right
              clowns to the left of me


                krt mingi ull jama on et tvantsi, sopcasti ega ppmatega ei näe, ma ei tea miks, äkki keegi teab veel mõnda head kohta?


                  hmmm...minul sopcast toidab hetkel täitsa normaalselt.

                  aga smurff swp on justkui kapist välja tulnud :P väga ilusad kollid.
                  Üldse väga terav ja huvitav mäng...kohe näha, et vanad sõbrad


                    Algselt postitas alvarez Vaata postitust
                    hmmm...minul sopcast toidab hetkel täitsa normaalselt.
                    mul viskab raibe mingi send error reporti ette ja siis paneb kinni:S


                      siit proovid ikka:


                        Algselt postitas alvarez Vaata postitust
                        jaja...juba uninstallisin ja lasin uuesti peale, miski ei aita( format C ehk siiski) ikka nii kui ära bufferib siis error report ees ja pees..oi nahh


                          Algselt postitas mihk3l Vaata postitust
                          Sina üritad tõestada, et Mourinho = Saatan, mitte mina , ma võin ka vabalt Sir Alexi kohta hakata ila ajama ilma oma argumente põhjendamata, seni kuni sa ei suuda mingeid konkreetseid näiteid tuua kus ta üle piiri läks, pole probleemi.
                          1. Ma pole Speial One kohta midagi öelnud, vaid teie ametliku veebikülje stiili kohta, mis ei austa vastaseid.
                          2. Palun, ole minu külaline, nagu öeldakse, laksi aga Fergie kohta.


                            Algselt postitas vandersell Vaata postitust
                            1. Ma pole Speial One kohta midagi öelnud, vaid teie ametliku veebikülje stiili kohta, mis ei austa vastaseid.
                            Võtame Blackburni mängu siis.

                            pre match briefing

                            "Blackburn's FA Cup form has been excellent, however. Wins against Everton, Luton, Arsenal (after a replay) and Man City have seen their goalline breached just the once, by the Toffees."

                            post match

                            "Chelsea progressed to the FA Cup Final with an extra-time victory over strong Blackburn. Frank Lampard gave the Londoners an early lead, but it took a 109th minute Michael Ballack goal to win the Old Trafford semi-final."

                            "Kalou replaced Shevchenko with 62 minutes gone. As he did, Pedersen took a free-kick after an Ashley Cole foul on Roberts, and the striker got just ahead of Terry to flick it in. It was an equaliser which had been coming."

                            "Only some extraordinary Petr Cech saves in the second-half of normal time helped Chelsea to this major landmark."

                            Väga korralikud ja objektiivsed imo.
                            Little things worry little minds.

                            Carlo Ancelotti, 2009


                              Okei siis, teeme puust ja punaseks. Esmalt vabandust selle lahmaka kopipeisti eest, aga Chelsea uus kodukas on kahjuks natuke kohmakas ja väga väikese tekstiga, seega loodetavasti keegi ei pahanda, kui selle Giles Smithi kolumni (leitav, kui valida menüüst News ja siis Columnist) hõlpsama lugemise huvides siin täies pikkuses ära toon. Mõtlesin algul mõned silmapaistvamad kohad alla ka joonida, aga pärast kolmandat lõiku loobusin... Igatahes, üks korralik ja objektiivne vastus Chris Waddle'i hiljutisele arvamusele teemal Chelsea vs ManU, mis on loetav siit: Man Utd must pip Chelsea. Enjoy.

                              GILES SMITH: FOR CHRIS SAKE!

                              Wed, 18th Apr 2007
                              Love us or hate us, they can't ignore us. As another pundit attacks, Chelsea season ticket holder and columnist Giles Smith leaps to his team's defence.

                              The best you can say for Chris Waddle's recent comments about the relative merits of Chelsea and Manchester United is that they provide a handy cut out 'n' keep grab-bag of the limpest clichés and most muddled half-thoughts that tend to come up in this area - or, at any rate, that tend to come up if you turn for an opinion to someone who has been watching the season through half-closed eyes and from the privilege of a paid-for seat and who brings to bear the slightly Olympian but also mildly bitter perspective of the retired and eternally disappointed England international.

                              They're all here, those easy clichés, in powdered form. Just add water. Manchester United 'entertain' (never more so, in my opinion, than when they were losing to Portsmouth, although I'm prepared to concede that they were quite entertaining, too, when they lost that first leg to Roma), whereas Chelsea are a 'no-risk team' who only 'stop teams from entertaining'; José Mourinho cannot be accounted a 'great manager', because stopping teams is 'easier' than playing 'with flair'; Arjen Robben under Sir Alex Ferguson would be unstoppable (actually, right now he would be injured: not even Sir Alex was able to heal the sick, last time we looked); and a victory for Manchester United over Chelsea in all of the season's remaining competitions would be 'good for football'.

                              To ask only one question here: good for whose football?

                              Still, these peculiar and unstructured ramblings probably ought not to trouble us unduly, bearing in mind their source. Waddle was a prodigiously gifted footballer in his time, it goes without saying: none better, as someone put it to me, for 'feigning to go one way, dropping the shoulder to go the other, banging the ball into the legs of the full back in front and then running straight into him.' You could earn 62 England caps for that, in Waddle's day.

                              But, alas, it was his destiny to play for a succession of teams, both at club and international level, who, famously, could neither play with flair nor stop other teams from doing so. Accordingly he is mostly remembered these days for missing a penalty and advertising pizza. (Musical historians might additionally recall his misguided attempt to launch a pop career in company with Glenn Hoddle - but they are the truly unfortunate ones.)

                              I had the privilege of interviewing Waddle once, when he was trying to keep the embers of his career warm at Sheffield Wednesday, and he spoke with thinly disguised longing of the days when Carlton Palmer would say to him, 'I'll win the ball for you, Chris.'

                              What he appeared to be referring to was an English mindset, now, thankfully, discredited, which said you needed two kinds of player in a team - a ball-winner and a ball-player. Except that, even at the point of our interview, courtesy of a new and exciting influx into football of foreign ideas, at clubs such as Arsenal and, of course, Chelsea, it had already become apparent that there was no reason why a decent midfield player ought not to be able to do both of these things - thus saving a team an entire player.

                              It's a sad fact, and one to which Waddle would understandably have some difficulty reconciling himself, but even were he still young enough to play football, he would find himself obsolete in the context of today's game. As such, he is perfectly suited to his role as an occasional contributor on Radio 5 Live, and we wish him all happiness and success in that. But overall, though, the best strategy, the next time he starts up on such topics as Chelsea, merit and greatness within the modern game, is probably to smile as warmly as one can, and then leave him with the comfort of his memories.
                              armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                                Küsiks kõigepealt, mida seltsimees Vincent arvab Chris Waddle'i artiklist?
                                Little things worry little minds.

                                Carlo Ancelotti, 2009

