Chelsea vormi ja mängutulemuste juures pead sa seda pilti juba igal leheküljel kasutama. Mina soovitaks aga uue pildi leida - igaks korraks. Üks hakkab tüütama!
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Algselt postitas Epic Vaata postitustkurbus....not
Ise ei hakka kedagi hukka mõistma, ootan kuni mõlemad osapooled räägivad veidi detailsemalt Mourinho lahkumise tagamaadest.Little things worry little minds.
Carlo Ancelotti, 2009
Einoh, wtf? Completely out of the blue, oleks siinkohal paslik öelda. Okei, tulemused tulemusteks, liigatabeli seis pole ju hull, hooaeg alles algas. Paistab et kaks nii suurt ego ühte klubisse ei mahtunud ja kuna võimalust, et Tšukotka kunn pakib asjad ja kingib klubi hr. Erilisele polnud, siis jäi üle vaid üks lahendus. Kas nüüd hakkavad tulemused järsult paranema? Kahtlen sügavalt.
Egas midagi, soovin edu pühapäevaks, st null-nulli.Supplies!
Otsuse tagamaadest ka natuke:
Former Chelsea boss Jose Mourihno has quit the club after his Russian employers offered to discuss his contract over sushi.
Mourinho said he knew his position was untenable when the club's billionaire owner Roman Abramovich suggested lunch at the Itsu restaurant in Picadilly.
Mourinho said: "He tell me I am to meet his friend Boris. At first I think this okay. Boris is good guy, used to work for civil service in Russia, has big scar across right eye and tooth made of bullet. Always has good joke about Arse.
"But I think I no like uncooked salmon, and the little green bits - I don't even know what they are.
"I think maybes I suggest nice Italian place or maybes for once we go Camden and have Portuguese given I been here three flipping years.
"But he insist. He say must be special sushi bar where they serve special hot, hot dish with very expensive ingredient.
"I say 'look, I am special one and no-one tell special one where to have lunch'. I say we go Pizza Express on Fulham Road or I walk."
The Itsu chain is popular with London's rich expatriate Russian community who enjoy the exquisite Japanese raw fish platters, the colourful salads and the incredibly high levels of polonium in the gentlemen's lavatory.
Mourinho added: "I tell Boris. He very disappointed and say he hope my successor will like wasabi. Funny guy."armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
Salajane lindistus Chelsea riietusruumist: I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!
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