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Liverpool FC

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    Algselt postitas Sajets Vaata postitust
    Peale esimest mängu on ta kõnts ja kõlbab vaid kaladele söödaks on minu ennustus.
    Vabalt võib olla.

    PS Saa juba üle. Kõik ei arva asjadest alati nagu sina või "enamus fänne".
    the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
    because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


      Juhul kui keegi otsib 'pooli puudutavaid ajakohaseid uudiseid, siis üks võimalus on siin.
      Sellel linkide leheküljel on ka päris palju asjakohatut jama, aga erinevalt varasemast ta nüüd paistab vähemalt stabiilselt töötavat ja lingid on korras.
      Päris vaimukas oli sealt kusagilt äsja loetu, et laupäevane FA karika finaal on sisuliselt Meistrite Liiga 3. koha mäng.
      Pisut muigama paneb, kuigi FA karikas on mulle isiklikult jätkuvalt Meistrite Liigast südamelähedasem võistlus.
      the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
      because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


        Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitust
        Juhul kui keegi otsib 'pooli puudutavaid ajakohaseid uudiseid, siis üks võimalus on siin.
        NewsNow pooli feed on ka hea kui tahad artikleid kiirelt ühest kohast leida.

        NewsNow: Liverpool:

        Hetkel on "ainuke" teema SG uus leping ,nad võiks selle enne viimast mängu ära teha ,eelmine kord said mõned ilmselt ataki toonasest jamast ja ka sellele eelnenud aastal ei olnud asi sugugi parem

        Väike meenutus 06.07.2005:
        Gerrard in shock Liverpool U-turn


          Divari poolfinaalides oli muuhulgas võimalik jälgida ka meie Akadeemia kasvandikest keskpoolikuid. Mõlemad jäid kaotajate poolele - Danny Guthrie Pühakutes ja Darren Potter Huntides.
          Minule jättis parema mulje Guthrie oma intelligentsete söötudega. Tõsi - eks temalgi on veel ebakindluse hetki, aga poiss paistab tulevikus Premieri kõlbavat küll. 'poolis njah... kipub neid keskpoolikuid omajagu olema ja põhikoosseisu tõusmise lootused paistavad väikesed. Eks ole näha mis Rafa suvel Danny osas otsustab.
          Aga Potter vast selline divari tasemel töömees ongi.
          the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
          because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


            Kassanäe BBC teab juba täna ML finaali algkoosseise. Tubli töö, mis tõenäoliselt nõudis õige korralikku peatreenerite käteväänamist.
            Liverpool (from): Reina, Finnan, Agger, Carragher, Riise, Gerrard, Mascherano, Alonso, Zenden, Crouch, Kuyt
            AC Milan (from): Dida, Oddo, Nesta, Maldini, Jankulosvski, Gattuso, Pirlo, Ambrosini, Seedorf, Kaka, Gilardino

            Hea uudis on eelkõige see, et Reina õlg on terveks saanud.
            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


              Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitust
              Kassanäe BBC teab juba täna ML finaali algkoosseise. Tubli töö, mis tõenäoliselt nõudis õige korralikku peatreenerite käteväänamist.
              Liverpool (from): Reina, Finnan, Agger, Carragher, Riise, Gerrard, Mascherano, Alonso, Zenden, Crouch, Kuyt
              AC Milan (from): Dida, Oddo, Nesta, Maldini, Jankulosvski, Gattuso, Pirlo, Ambrosini, Seedorf, Kaka, Gilardino

              Hea uudis on eelkõige see, et Reina õlg on terveks saanud.
              vordluseks siis eelmise finaali algkoosseisud. Liverpoolil 6 uut meest ja Milanil 4.

              Liverpool- Jerzy Dudek, Steve Finnan, Sami Hyypiä, Milan Baroš, John Arne Riise, Harry Kewell, Steven Gerrard, Luis García, Xabi Alonso, Djimi Traoré, Jamie Carragher

              Milan- Dida, Cafu, Paolo Maldini, Andriy Shevchenko, Gennaro Gattuso, Hernán Crespo, Alessandro Nesta, Clarence Seedorf, Andrea Pirlo, Kaká, Jaap Stam
              Catalunya is not Spain!


                dudek tuleb vahetusest sisse ja aitab järjekordselt oma imetõrjetega karika liverpooli tuua.go pool
                Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                Ott Järvela


                  < miks mitte, kuigi rein a. on samahea pendlat6rjuja
                  GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
                  GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
                  (Seinfeld, The Pitch)


                    k&#245;ige t&#228;htsam et karikas ikka inglismaal oleks.ikka seal kus see k&#245;ik alguse sai
                    Mis on ühist Tallinna jõulukuusel ja Cristiano Ronaldol? Mõlemad kipuvad ümber kukkuma, aga süüdi on alati teised!
                    Ott Järvela


                      Zenden on puruks arvatavasti ja seega Kewell taas finaalis platsil Tsauki kõigile Leedsi fännidele ka. Musi musi!
                      Feel the strength of a hundred thousand heartbeats,
                      Cry welcome to the song.
                      And as it lifts you, time to move on.
                      We go!


                        Lahe. Tea kas mõni kontor mängu esimese vahetuse aja peale ka panuseid võtab?
                        armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                          edu finaalis
                          The Reward is Cheese.


                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                            When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!


                              Pako vastas.
                              Mõned huvitavamad küsimused/vastused:
                              What positives will you take from your third Premiership season, and what have you learned?

                              The positives are that in our direct confrontations with the other top four sides, we have been closer than last year. The only game we have been far away from winning was the match at The Emirates. We have won at home against Chelsea and Arsenal. The negatives, or the things we've learned? I think we have made the same mistakes as a team and as a club. I think still we are not ready to fight for the Premiership. You have to be realistic: if you want to be a winner, if you want to be first, you have to take all your decisions with this target in mind. Sometimes maybe we still are not close, as a squad and as a club as well. It's not a coincidence that Liverpool haven't won the league in 17 years.

                              What then do you think the club needs to be doing that it isn't already?

                              These are important questions. One thing is that our most expensive signing has been Djibril Cisse for £14 million. This year we haven't been able to compete with Manchester or Chelsea who can spend £20 or £30 million on a player. This doesn't mean we can't fight for the Premiership, but it's always more difficult. The only way we have to reduce the gap is to do everything better, to prepare the structure and hierarchy of the club to be more competitive. I am talking about the full structure of the club, the environment, the staff behind the players, everything. One of the things I don't like in football is when people say, 'We've done it this way for years'. My father had a Fiat but at this moment I have a BMW. You have to move on and you have to adapt to new ways.

                              So how far behind Chelsea and Manchester United do you think Liverpool are on the pitch?

                              In one game, we are really close; through the season, I think we are too far. We have lost around 60 points in three seasons. If you cheat yourself, you're not going in the right direction. We have to be fair to ourselves.

                              Are you saying Liverpool aren't at that stage yet?

                              No, maybe we are not. Still we have finished too far from them to think we have a real possibility to win the Premiership. Manchester United didn't need to sign too many players this year. They bought Carrick, and if you look at the starting 11 they played against us this year and last, the only difference is Carrick and no van Nistelrooy. Eighty or 90 per cent of the key players were already in the team. All these things are the first reason for me why Manchester won the league. The second reason is they have used the rotation policy better than Chelsea. I remember three or four games when Manchester played with five, six or seven changes. Playing with Fletcher on the right instead of Ronaldo or with Brown at centre-back. Chelsea haven't done that.

                              Another thing that's clear from this campaign is that Liverpool's home form has been excellent, yet points have been harder to come by on the road. What do you think is behind this?

                              I remember a coach in Spain once said that Spanish girls in the 1970s and 1980s were brought up not to be on their own, but to always have someone with them. They were educated to be part of a family, not on their own. They were educated to be married and be with the children of her husband. I think something similar has happened with our team. Liverpool is the team that more than any other feels the difference when they play away. The support they feel when they play at home is so huge and important that when they play away, the difference is massive. When Chelsea play in Stamford Bridge, the Chelsea players don't really feel the support of the crowd, so the difference is not massive for them. One thing the players have to learn is to compete and have the self-confidence independent of the supporters. You need the right mental attitude when the conditions are not comfortable. It's a psychological attitude that's so important.
                              the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                              because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                                Algselt postitas mcnamara Vaata postitust
                                Pako vastas.
                                M&#245;ned huvitavamad k&#252;simused/vastused:
                                remember a coach in Spain once said that Spanish girls in the 1970s and 1980s were brought up not to be on their own, but to always have someone with them. They were educated to be part of a family, not on their own. They were educated to be married and be with the children of her husband. I think something similar has happened with our team.
                                hispaania t&#252;drukud pole iseseisvad,
                                kogu probleem selles ongi

                                Manchester won the league. The second reason is they have used the rotation policy better than Chelsea

                                olid sinisedki ju vigastuste ajal sunnitud kaitseliini &#252;mberformeerima,
                                aga punkte l&#228;ks neil Terry puudumisel vist t&#245;esti rohkem kaotsi
                                GEORGE: No, no, no! Nothing happens /-/ RUSSELL: Well, why am I watching it?
                                GEORGE: Because it's on TV RUSSELL: Not yet..
                                (Seinfeld, The Pitch)

