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Manchester United FC

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    Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
    Vaene Moyes, saab iga nurga pealt kriitikat ilmselt veel kogu tuleva aasta - iga mänguga tuuakse võrdlusmoment välja
    Ning lisaks tuleb õnnelik olla, et Bayerni vastu edasi ei pääsetud. Muidu tulnuks ju veel üks hooaeg Moyesi all.

    Aga Woody rääkis täna MUTVle päevakajalistel teemadel:
    "There is no fixed budget. Financially we are extremely strong, we have funds available," United's executive vice-chairman told MUTV in an interview filmed on the club's pre-season tour of the United States.
    "Louis is the boss and is assessing what's going on but we have been in dialogue for some time about targets so there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes... we're continuing to move forward on some of those targets... so watch this space.
    "The time he (Van Gaal) spends here as well (in America) he'll be able to assess more what he's got and continue to tweak the decisions if we need to.
    We want to do what it takes to win the title."

    He added: "I've experienced a lot of conversations with agents and players and we are still a huge attraction to top football stars around the world - there is no doubt about that.
    "We've already invested in two new fantastic players."


      Algselt postitas Meintz Vaata postitust
      Woody rääkis

      e: mispärast see dailymotioni embed enam ei toimi?
      armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


        Täitsa sümpaatne mees see Woody. Esimene intekas temaga, mida näinud.


          Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitust

          e: mispärast see dailymotioni embed enam ei toimi?

          Võtsin s-i http järelt ära.


            Patrice Evra has left #mufc to join Juventus. Everyone at the club would like to thank him for his many years of excellent service.

            Unitedi ametlikust Twitterist.


              Suhted peaksid Juvega päris soojad olema.Lootusrikkalt ootan edasisi uudiseid.


                Jah. Evra ca 1,2 miljonit ja Pogba sai ka täitsa muidu sinna. Time to get something back
                "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                  Time to get Simone Pepe!


                    Norm vana.


                      Evra lahkumiskiri
                      Oli meeldiv

                      Ja veel, hullult naljakaid kuulujutte levib ikka Väidetavalt on Vidali maja eile müüki pandud ja värskelt Juventusesse siirdunud Evra plaanib selle ostmist. No johhaidii.

                      Woodward olevat täna L.A.'st lahkunud. Midagi toimps ehk.

                      Jürgen Klopp laughed when asked if the Hummels to Man Utd reports were true. "You know it's garbage."


                        Fantastiline tüüp mängijana ja inimesena; mees, kes alati mõistis, mida see klubi tähendab, ega häbenenud seda välja näidata või sellest rääkida. Tõeline liider lõpuni välja, isegi kui mänguklass hakkas natuke langema. Aga eks latt oli ka ise neetult kõrgele tõstetud. Legend.

                        I have always said you don’t just join Manchester United, you join the family and long may that tradition continue. This club is steeped in history and I feel privileged to have become a part of that. Over the past nine years I have met and worked with some incredible people, many of whom will remain friends for life. I would like to thank everyone at the club – teammates, coaches and in particular all the staff who made every single day in Carrington or at Old Trafford a special day.

                        An immense thank you to Sir Alex Ferguson for making it all possible, for giving me the privilege to be a captain, to be inspired by the legend of Manchester United and to understand that nobody is bigger than the club.

                        My biggest thanks go to the fans. We have had some fantastic times together, we lifted all of those trophies together and that night in Moscow will live with us all forever. Every single time I stepped out in that shirt I knew I was playing for the badge and for a very special club. My passion for this club will live on and I know you guys will go on to enjoy more success in the coming seasons."

                        Merci, Patrice.
                        armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


                          Bebe on lahkumas Benficasse. Mainis intervjuus O Jogole, et kohvrid juba pakitud ja palka hakkab ka vähem saama, aga peaasi ,et mängida saab.
                          "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                            Muidugi on kopp ees sellest, et meil äärekaitsjate koha peal suhteliselt alati 1-1,5 mängija jagu sügavust on.

                            Muidugi edu Evrale, ülimalt lahedaid mälestusi pakkunud mängija.


                              Kalkun kisab ka et rahakott on punnis. Tõmbate siis 100-200 milli sirgeks ära?


                                Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                                Kalkun kisab ka et rahakott on punnis. Tõmbate siis 100-200 milli sirgeks ära?
                                Eks see näeb, kes ja mida veel lisandub, "Kalkun" ütles esimesele pressikal, et tahab nüüd ligi 3 nädalat praeguste mängijate taseme määramiseks, kes ja kuidas süsteemi sobib ja siis vaatab keda juurde tuua.

