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Manchester United FC

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    Algselt postitas ElNino9 Vaata postitust
    Chelsea on kindlasti tänavu rohkem noori kasutanud.
    Ma ei oska küll kedagi leida peale Aina kes sai debüüdi vist. Chalobah ja Loftus-Cheek on juba 22 ja 21 ja saavad ikka näpuotsaga minuteid.
    Mitte ükski alla 20 aastane mängumees pole Chelsea eest platsile saanud, kes need noored on?
    Kiiruga otsitud info.


      Algselt postitas QRkood Vaata postitust
      Ma ei oska küll kedagi leida peale Aina kes sai debüüdi vist. Chalobah ja Loftus-Cheek on juba 22 ja 21 ja saavad ikka näpuotsaga minuteid.
      Mitte ükski alla 20 aastane mängumees pole Chelsea eest platsile saanud, kes need noored on?
      Kiiruga otsitud info.
      Sellest ju pm piisabki.


        Algselt postitas ElNino9 Vaata postitust
        Sellest ju pm piisabki.
        Millest piisab? Ei ole ju Chelseal kuidagi rohkem.
        Rashford, TFM, Tuanzebe kõik 19 aastased. Debüüdi sai ka 20 aastane Joel Pereira.


          Alla 20 aastased meil see aasta.

          TFM (vanust 19) 3 põhist 4 pingilt
          Rashford (19) 18 põhist ja 15 pingilt , 7 väravat.
          Tuanzebe (19) 1 pingilt


          Martial (21) 19 põhist ja 6 pingilt , 7 väravat
          Shaw (21) 13 põhist ja 1 pingilt
          Bailly (22) 19 põhist ja 1 pingilt
          J. Pereira (20) 1 pingilt

          lisaks siis Depay, kes nüüd on lännu ja täna küll juba 23.aastane nädalapäevade jagu, aga meite eest see hooaeg 1 põhist ja 7 pingilt.

          Ega siin midagi hõisata pole, aga midagi joriseda ka pole. Kui vend on piisavalt hea siis saab peale ka.
          Youngi pole mõtet materdada, istub vaikselt seal pingil, mingit jura ei aja , vahepeal saab tänutäheks peale, tõele au andes on päris ok ka olnud. Suvel võiks muidugi leegid teha.

          A no ja mis võrdlust venelastega puudutab siis
          Kenedy (21) 1 pingilt
          Zouma (22) 2 põhist 1 pingilt, tõsi küll , vigastusest tingituna nõnda vähe.
          Aina (20) 2 põhist 3 pingilt
          Loftus-Cheek (21) 4 põhist 2 pingilt
          Chalobah (22) 3 põhist 9 pingilt
          Ake (22) 1 põhist

          "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


            Manchester United are taking a 20-man squad to France to face Saint-Etienne in the Europa League.

            The Reds hold a 3-0 advantage from the Round of 32 first leg at Old Trafford last Thursday and hat-trick hero Zlatan Ibrahimovic is part of the travelling party.

            Ander Herrera misses out due to suspension but there are plenty of other options in midfield, including Michael Carrick and Bastian Schweinsteiger.

            United: De Gea, O'Hara, Romero; Bailly, Blind, Fosu-Mensah, Rojo, Smalling, Valencia, Young; Carrick, Fellaini, Mata, Mkhitaryan, Pogba, Lingard, Schweinsteiger; Ibrahimovic, Martial, Rashford.


              Algselt postitas JuriM Vaata postitust
              Manchester United are taking a 20-man squad to France to face Saint-Etienne in the Europa League.

              The Reds hold a 3-0 advantage from the Round of 32 first leg at Old Trafford last Thursday and hat-trick hero Zlatan Ibrahimovic is part of the travelling party.

              Ander Herrera misses out due to suspension but there are plenty of other options in midfield, including Michael Carrick and Bastian Schweinsteiger.

              United: De Gea, O'Hara, Romero; Bailly, Blind, Fosu-Mensah, Rojo, Smalling, Valencia, Young; Carrick, Fellaini, Mata, Mkhitaryan, Pogba, Lingard, Schweinsteiger; Ibrahimovic, Martial, Rashford.
              tohoh, mäng homme


                Algselt postitas ElNino9 Vaata postitust
                tohoh, mäng homme
                Jep, sest Lyon ja Saint Etienne ei saa samal õhtul kodus Euroopa mänge mängida.


                  “He stayed behind in Manchester because I'm playing with Daley Blind, with Marcos Rojo, with Matteo Darmian, and all of them are playing the way I like a full-back to play,” Mourinho explained.

                  “Luke has to wait for his chance and work better and better, knowing I give nothing for free. When I give something to the players, it's expensive for them - it's not cheap. They have to work hard every day, they have to play well, so he has to wait. And, at this moment, he's behind the others.”

                  Asked to expand on Shaw’s development, Mourinho was quick to say he admires the left-back’s potential and claimed Henrikh Mkhitaryan is a perfect example for him to follow, given that the Armenian is now a regular starter after taking time to settle earlier in the season.

                  “Potentially, he has many things that I like but one thing is potentially, another thing is on the pitch to express all the qualities that I like a player to express,” the manager said at the media briefing. “And he has to keep working, like Mkhitaryan did for a long time.”
                  "Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF


                    Romero, Young, Bailly, Smalling, Blind, Carrick, Pogba, Fellaini, Mata, Mkhitaryan, Ibra.
                    Sub: De Gea, Valencia, Rojo, Schweinsteiger, Lingard, Martial, Rashford

                    Bloody fucking hell, TFM sai küll tillist sellega nüüd.
                    Algselt postitas Stok
                    Arsenali puhul loetakse hooaeg ebaõnnestunuks kuskil septembri keskpaiku.


                      Kift vahetus muidugi esimese poolaja keskel..
                      “I am Zlatan. Who the hell are you?”


                        Algselt postitas alehis Vaata postitust
                        Kift vahetus muidugi esimese poolaja keskel..
                        Tagareis andis tunda, igxks juhuks vahetati välja.


                          dr. murdock ütleb, et mikil ilmselt lege hamstri 2-4 nädalat, nii et boro ajaks on tagasi. vahele jäävad seega pühapäevane finaal, premmi mäng bournemouthiga ja fakup chelski vastu.
                          buy the ticket, take the ride.


                            UPDATE ON MICKI AND CARRICK
                            "I think they are both out [of the final] but this is based on my experience, not on my medical knowledge and not based on tests and what they have to do tomorrow. I think no chance but I repeat it’s just my experience. A calf, a hamstring, even if it’s a minor injury, some fibre damage, I think out."

                            SAF- “I am not kidding. This isn’t just a job to me. It’s a mission. I am deadly serious about it – some people would reckon too serious…we will get there. Believe me. And when it happens life will change for Liverpool and everybody else – dramatically.”


                              Wayno ütles kindlalt, et tema Unitedist kuhugi minemas pole ja kõik Hiina spekulatsioonid võib aegsasti lõpetada.

                              Lineker ja Mata ajasid juttu..


                                Euroopa järgmises ringis ootab külm venemaa. Rostov. Esimene mäng võõrsil (9.03) teine kodus (16.03). Ja vahepeale jääb karika mäng Chelseaga (13.03). Raske nädal.

