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Manchester United FC
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Üldiselt jah , nõus eelkõnelejateg, suvi tuleb vaikne.Pakuks maksimaalselt 1 ost veel,mitte rohkem."Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in your own field. It’s a fact. But it never really works out that way." SAF
Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitustsiis ilmselt esimene "ohver" on de Laet.
Reserve Player of the Year: Ritchie De Laet
Academy Player of the Year: Will Keane
Goal of the Season: White Bolt vs Arsenal
Fans' Player Of The Year: Wayne Rooney
Players' Player Of The Year: Wayne Rooneyarmastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
“I was a bit surprised I got Goal of the Season. But to win the players’ and fans’ Player of the Year is a great feeling and it’s something I’m very proud of.”
- Wayne Rooney
Jonny Evans has agreed new five-year contract with #MUFC. Should be confirmed in next few daysPaul Scholes wanted to quit, says Sir Alex Ferguson
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has revealed he talked Paul Scholes out of retiring.
The midfielder signed a one-year contract extension after initially expressing doubts over whether to continue with his career.
But Ferguson says he managed to persuade the 35-year-old to play on.Algselt postitas TofoaMan City fännamine keedab muidu normaalsete inimeste ajud päris pehmeks.
“When we brought in Nani and Anderson a few years ago, and before them Ronaldo and Rooney, we were rebuilding the team through youthful players,” Sir Alex said during his monthly interview for Inside United.
“We’ll continue to do that. Everyone talks about us bringing in a big name but it’s very difficult. It’s not as easy as people think. So therefore we have to look at the club's structure and at what we need to keep ourselves at the top.
“Last year we signed Valencia, who was 23 at the time. That is a good age to bring someone in.
Siia juurde ka siis Man Utd viimase 4 aasta ostud
21 - Javier Hernandez*, 8 April 2010
20 - Chris Smalling, 28 January 2010
21 - Mame Biram Diouf, 30 July 2009
23 - Antonio Valencia, 30 June 2009
29 - Michael Owen, 3 July 2009
20 - Gabriel Obertan, 8 July 2009
20 - Ritchie de Laet, 8 January 2009
21 - Zoran Tosic, 1 January 2009
27 - Dimitar Berbatov, 1 Sep 2008
24 - Manucho, 1 January 2008
23 - Carlos Tevez, 4 August 2007
26 - Owen Hargreaves, 1 July 2007
19 - Anderson, 2 July 2007
24 - Tomasz Kuszczak, 2 July 2007
20 - Nani, 2 July 2007
25 - Michael Carrick, 31 July 2006
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sa vist ei ole selle interneti-värgiga väga sina peal, jah...?
ning olgu ära märgitud, et nendest uutest täiendustest kannatas platsile panna täpselt ühte ja see on pildil. ülejäänud kõlbasid ainult pingi lihvimiseks.
[siit daily maili artiklist on pildid tegelt]armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle
Algselt postitas vincent Vaata postitustvaata, võtad properties -> copy image location -> ctrl+v
sa vist ei ole selle interneti-värgiga väga sina peal, jah...?
ning olgu ära märgitud, et nendest uutest täiendustest kannatas platsile panna täpselt ühte ja see on pildil. ülejäänud kõlbasid ainult pingi lihvimiseks.
[siit daily maili artiklist on pildid tegelt]
aga manku f2nnidele, et kumb kuldse putsa endale napsab? drogster v6i rooney...m6lemad siis hetkel 26 kolli peale liigas.
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