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Manchester United FC

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    Uus hooaeg ja sama crap. See kaitsepool on ikka nali kuubis…1:2 värav viskas sellist Häberli Eesti koondise viimaste ketukate vaibi.
    Rashford on halb… Diallo tahab, aga see mängulugemine ja otsused suures osas ikka üsna halvad- ei ole kuidagi starting-lineupi materjal. Ma ei saanud eelmine hooaeg juba aru, miks Casemiro mängib… aga see hooaeg veel vähem- ta ei ole jalgpallur enam, seal vòiks mingi suva mart ka aegluubis ja aeg-ajalt aegluubis spagaati visata…jube. Vähemalt on juba 16:30 laupäeval selge, et nädalavahetusel midagi hullemat küll ei juhtu enam.


      Algselt postitas golgolgol Vaata postitust
      Uus hooaeg ja sama crap. See kaitsepool on ikka nali kuubis…1:2 värav viskas sellist Häberli Eesti koondise viimaste ketukate vaibi.
      Rashford on halb… Diallo tahab, aga see mängulugemine ja otsused suures osas ikka üsna halvad- ei ole kuidagi starting-lineupi materjal. Ma ei saanud eelmine hooaeg juba aru, miks Casemiro mängib… aga see hooaeg veel vähem- ta ei ole jalgpallur enam, seal vòiks mingi suva mart ka aegluubis ja aeg-ajalt aegluubis spagaati visata…jube. Vähemalt on juba 16:30 laupäeval selge, et nädalavahetusel midagi hullemat küll ei juhtu enam.


        Täpsustan- pidasin silmas neid täiesti kandikul vastastele antavaid väravaid. See söödumäng ja ladusus on tore siis, kui tulemust ka toob. Praegu endiselt iga pallikaotuse puhul hoiad hinge kinni, et ära ei löö vastased


          Kaotus tuli seepärast, et julgesin üle pika aja Unitedi peale raha panna. Ei tohi järgmine nädal jinxida, sorri minu süü.


            Juba teine mäng ja kotid ning tegelikult kui Fulhami ründajad lõpetada osanuks, oleks nad ka esimese ära võtnud. Keep going ETH, lovely.


              Ugarte ka kotis.

              Päris viiskas täiendamine ikka toimunud juba see suvi. McDominator, Lindelöf, Hannibal võivad olla reaalsed lahkujad.


                Squadiga on korralik töö tehtud. Palju rämpsu minema saadetud ja viisakad täiendused.
                Erikul ei ole enam vabandusi. Mängupilt ja tulemus, või sacked by Christmas. Loodame parimat


                  Selgusetuks jääb, mis see "loodame parimat" on... all right then, keep your secrets.
                  see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                  "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                  "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                    Algselt postitas Daz Booob Vaata postitust
                    Selgusetuks jääb, mis see "loodame parimat" on... all right then, keep your secrets.

                    Loomulikult esmajoones loodaks näha positiivsemaid noote, et kõik sujub ja meeskond performib.
                    Mul ei ole erilist usku ETH suhtes, aga poleks midagi selle vastu, kui ta suudaks oma tööga mind (ning paljusid sama skeptilisi fänne) ümber veenda.


                      Algselt postitas Daz Booob Vaata postitust
                      Selgusetuks jääb, mis see "loodame parimat" on... all right then, keep your secrets.
                      Ma saan aru, et viimase 30 või ma ei tea mis aasta jooksul 1 PL tiitel ja 2 CL-i on mõndadele paar cm juurde kasvatanud.

                      Aga viisakale küsimusele viisakaks vastuseks, et post SAF perioodile järgneva sama pika perioodi jooksul "loodaks" esmalt saavutada PL-s sama, mida te selle 30+ a perioodi jooksul! Seda tulemusena paberil. Teisalt sisuliselt olen päris pikalt lootnud näha lükkeid, mida INEOS teinud. Kas tänu sellele õnnestub, eks näha. Samas eelmine lähenemine on tõestanud, et nagunii ei õnnestu.

                      Saladused avatud, lahtine raamat täiesti. Anna märku juhul kui jätkuvaid küsimusi.


                        Suurim probleem on endiselt kiilakas bussijuht, keda isegi teie omas punase kohviku foorumis argumenteeritult maha tehakse. Tuleb lihtsalt julgeda tõele näkku vaadata. Ta lepingupikendus ajas ju kõik rivaalid irvitama, I wonder why.
                        "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."


                          Algselt postitas -21- Vaata postitust
                          Suurim probleem on endiselt kiilakas bussijuht, keda isegi teie omas punase kohviku foorumis argumenteeritult maha tehakse. Tuleb lihtsalt julgeda tõele näkku vaadata. Ta lepingupikendus ajas ju kõik rivaalid irvitama, I wonder why.
                          Mis argumendid seal on siis? Mu arust ainukesed kes irvitavad on live fännid, aga need ongi veits sellised “teistsugused”.

                          Viimane mäng oli paar (mitte)vahetust kahtlased, aga üldiselt võrreldes eelmise aastaga, arengut on näha ja kõik tüübid pole veel kohale jõudnudki, või normaalsesse vormi saanud. Et loeme tibusid kevadel, mitte augustis…


                            Algselt postitas plastic Vaata postitust

                            Ma saan aru, et viimase 30 või ma ei tea mis aasta jooksul 1 PL tiitel ja 2 CL-i on mõndadele paar cm juurde kasvatanud.

                            Aga viisakale küsimusele viisakaks vastuseks, et post SAF perioodile järgneva sama pika perioodi jooksul "loodaks" esmalt saavutada PL-s sama, mida te selle 30+ a perioodi jooksul! Seda tulemusena paberil. Teisalt sisuliselt olen päris pikalt lootnud näha lükkeid, mida INEOS teinud. Kas tänu sellele õnnestub, eks näha. Samas eelmine lähenemine on tõestanud, et nagunii ei õnnestu.

                            Saladused avatud, lahtine raamat täiesti. Anna märku juhul kui jätkuvaid küsimusi.
                            Võrrelda, mõõta end võrrelda-mõõtmatuga on mõistagi libe tee, kuid arusaadav - läbi suurte eesmärkide lootuse loomine pigem jätab miskit pihku.

                            Kas ETH teeb teil mängijad paremaks või halvemaks? Või on liialt vähe (stabiilset) aega olnud antud teema osas järeldusi teha?

                            Ah-jaa, ennem kui ma siit teemast lahkun, siis tuletan teile meelde, et püüate lahti saada ühest endisest City mängijast, et vastu saada endine Liverpooli ja City mängija.
                            see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                            "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                            "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                              Algselt postitas nimastain Vaata postitust

                              Mis argumendid seal on siis? Mu arust ainukesed kes irvitavad on live fännid, aga need ongi veits sellised “teistsugused”.

                              "Last season saw us play some of the most tactically naive football I have ever seen from a top team. There was no progression at all in terms of getting better and more coherent as the season wore on. We completely changed style for the last few games, which got us over the line in the FA cup and saved Ten Hag’s job. But an inch the wrong way in the semi’s, and Coventry would’ve knocked us out and we wouldn’t be here talking about Ten Hag today. A margin that fine for success, when the measurements of failure were overwhelming, really shouldn’t have been enough to keep him employed here.

                              Despite being massively impressed with Ineos so far, I heavily disagreed with the decision to keep Ten Hag, as I have never seen anything from him as United coach that suggests he is even remotely good enough to lead this club. The way we have started the season is depressingly predictable. With the squad of players he has, and the time he has had to work with them, and the support he’s received, he simply should be doing so much better.

                              Personally, I think losing 7-0 to Liverpool should be an unsurvivable event for any United manager, bar Ferguson or Busby. If Real lost 7-0 to Barca, that coach is done. Pure and simple. Likewise Bayern against Dortmund or Milan vs Inter. But….he survived….ok. But then last season, the statistics for our performance with a record number of defeats, goals conceded, shots conceded, the exceptionally low goal return, shocking goal difference, record low PL finish, and just generally shocking performances, should always have been enough to move on from Ten Hag. Im not sure what rational was in place to give this man more time. I just don’t see it.

                              He doesn’t play good football, he’s a dreadful tactician, he doesn’t know how to set a team up, his team is boring and predictable, he’s terrible at rotating….the only good thing he’s done is the promotion of youth. People will point to the two trophies in two years, but when you measure where we are against the best sides - in the league and Europe - then he has us going backwards.

                              I really hope he succeeds, because I hate changing managers during the season but absolutely nothing about the guy gives me any confidence at all that he knows how to manage this team. He just isn’t good enough. We will lose a lot of games this season. Just like we did last season, because if we get even a couple of key injuries, the wheels will completely fall off. The system he’s put in place is so flimsy that it really doesn’t hold up to any pressure except under the absolute optimal circumstances, and that just isn’t good enough.

                              If he goes on to have a good season this season, I will happily eat my words. Happily. Nothing I would rather be right now than wrong. This is also the last I’m going to say on the subject, because I can’t do another whole season of saying the manager is terrible. It becomes toxic and I just have better things to do with my life. I already know that this is a season where my investment in the team, through time and energy, will be limited. United losing in limp circumstances really ruins my weekend, as it genuinely emotionally upsets me. United losing is something I can tolerate, and look to bounce back from, but United losing in predictable and limp fashion just drains me of any realistic hope of something better to come. It’ll just be another yo-yo season with a man in charge who is massively out of his depth.

                              The fact that every friend I have who supports a rival club was celebrating when we kept Ten Hag, tells you all you need to know about how the world views this man’s capabilities. It’s just known that we will be incoherent, naive, and have a soft underbelly. Ripe for a few thrashings, and all in all largely irrelevant in the picture of the big prizes.

                              People talk about signings way too much. While recruitment is very important, the ultimate pinnacle of performance, the tip of the spear, is coaching. It’s getting the most out of what you have and creating something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Ten Hag has never done that at United. He’s gotten less than the sum of its parts, and never shown any sort of thinking that makes us a genuinely difficult opponent for any team to face. Everyone who comes up against us fancies their chances, and with good reason. We are very poorly coached, with a baffling array of non-sensical instructions given to our players. Predictable going forwards, and open and lax in defence. Signing Ugarte or Pele isn’t going to make an appreciable difference, because the coaching is just fundamentally flawed. There are so many managers out there getting so much more out of so much less. I can only imagine what an Alonso or Emery would get out of this squad. A coherent football team for a start."

                              Ei tundu eriti Liverpooli fänni jutuna. Kahe jalaga maas oleva inimese mõtted, kes hoolib ja on mures.​
                              "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."


                                Algselt postitas -21- Vaata postitust
                                He doesn’t play good football, he’s a dreadful tactician, he doesn’t know how to set a team up, his team is boring and predictable, he’s terrible at rotating….the only good thing he’s done is the promotion of youth. People will point to the two trophies in two years, but when you measure where we are against the best sides - in the league and Europe - then he has us going backwards.;
                                Oleme siin sarnast juttu rääkinud pikalt, aga kuulake siis omasid või ärge isegi neid kuulake, nagu praegu selgus. Olete nagu olete.

