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    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

    Kas kellegil see hooaeg Arsu mängu pole plaanis vaatama minna?


      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

      Algselt postitas romario

      Kas kellegil see hooaeg Arsu mängu pole plaanis vaatama minna?
      romario, kavatsed kõva vutituuri teha?
      Aga plaan on alati olemas, iseasi kas see teostub. Põhiprobleem on ikka piletite hankimisega. Kõige reaalsem on saada Carling Cupi mängudele või äkki ka mõnele CL võõrsilmängule. Samas kui on taskust £100-150 hangeldajatele välja käia, võid ka mängu näha.

      Fännid ootavad kannatamatult Emir... ptüi, Ashburton Grove valmimist.


        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

        See on siis nüüd ametlik. Klubi kinnitas tänasel pressikonverentsil, et Emirates Airline (mis muuseas on korduvalt valitud maailma parimaks lennufirmaks) ja Arsenal on jõudnud kokkuleppele staadioni nimetamise osas. Lepingu väärtuseks nimetab klubi £100M ning pikkuseks 15 aastat.

        Lisaks sellele võtab Emiraatide lennufirma koha ka klubi peasponsorina, mis sisaldab ka särkide sponsorlepingut alates hooajast 2006/07 ning kestab 8 (!) aastat. Tegemist on Inglismaa jalgpalliajaloo kindlasti kõige mahukama ja suurema sponsorlepinguga.


          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

          Huvitav kas Chelsea särkidele tuleb nüüd Roman Abramovichi portree või?
          Gent del Barça


            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

            Aeg oleks ajalugu teha jah!


              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

              kas fa on uue reegli vastu võtnud ja kahel meeskonnal ei tohi olla sama sponsor??


                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                Kuskilt käis läbi uudis, et Chelski on Orange\'iga sponsorlepingu teinud.
                "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                  Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                  Jah, nagu kuskil varem sai ka mainitud - Chelsea sponsorleping lõpeb käesoleva aastaga ning Emirates jääb antud juhul toetama vaid Arsenali.


                    Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                    ehk teisisõnu raha raha raha - See kiisu sümboliseerib Arsenali kes hakkab ses paksus ja mõnusas rahas püherdama .


                      Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                      Kole siiski. Teades , et nime müümine on vältimatu, oleks lootnud kas Nike\'i või mõnda teist spordiga rohkem seotud firmat. Aga paraku Asburton Grove ei asu põllu peal, maa ja kinnisvara hinnad on Islingtonis üle mõistuse kõrged.

                      Muide Henry ja Pires on nominandid FIFA aasta mängija auhinnale. Nagu alati, on kanditaatide hulgas ka rohkelt nimesid, kes eelmisel aastal väärinuks pigem FIFA halvima mängija tiitlit.


                        Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                        Vabanda semu aga Nike Arena või muu säärane oleks tõeliselt nilbe juba old - pealegi Nike niigi plekib meile palju juba.
                        Mulle hakkas Emirates täitsa meeldima - ei kõlagi nii halvasti ju.

                        Ja raha maksavad hästi


                          Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                          Ühesõnaga kõik on müüdav, lihtsalt mõne hind on kõrgem. Kahju, muidugi. Derby on vist üks väheseid näiteid, kes suutis oma uue staadioni ehitamisega klubi au üleval hoida. Ja mäkkemid ka. Mitte, et see neid kuskile aidanud oleks...
                          “The state of our pitch wouldn’t have affected Liverpool — with their game the ball is in the air most of the time.”
                          The Special One


                            Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                            Managing director Keith Edelman said: “We’ve discussed this in fans’ forums. More than 99 per cent wanted to keep the name Highbury.

                            “But once you explain that a new name of a stadium ensures a better team they understand.”

                            šeik that booty, šeik that booty, šeik-it-šeik-it-šeik-it
                            We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                              Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                              Arsenali börsiteade kogu oma hiilguses:


                              Arsenal Holdings plc announces that its subsidiary The Arsenal Football Club plc has signed a new sponsorship deal with Emirates.

                              Arsenal Football Club Plc will grant to Emirates exclusive worldwide rights as the official naming rights sponsor of Arsenal\'s new stadium, currently under construction and due to open in August 2006. From today, the new stadium will be referred to by its official name as Emirates Stadium. The naming rights term continues until the end of the 2020/21 football season.

                              As part of the deal, Arsenal and Emirates have agreed a significant package of sponsorship and other benefits for Emirates. This includes an eight year shirt sponsorship deal which will commence at the end of Arsenal\'s current shirt sponsorship deal with O2 at the end of the 2005/06 season. The sponsorship package also brings to Emirates a number of other exclusive rights including new stadium advertising, merchandising rights and the right to promote and sell its official airline services by reference to the Arsenal brand following the end of the 2005/06 Season.

                              The sponsorship fees, of GBP90 million, will significantly enhance Arsenal\'s commercial revenues over the contract term. The sponsorship fees, which are payable by instalments, will provide Arsenal with operational cash-flows of GBP72 million between 2005 and 2012 with the remaining GBP18 million receivable between 2013 and 2020. The present value of these sponsorship cash-flows, discounted at Arsenal\'s standard cost of capital and referenced against equivalent straight line cash-flows, indicates that the absolute value of the deal to Arsenal is in excess of GBP100 million. In addition to the sponsorship fees Arsenal can earn bonuses based on team performance in each of the seasons up to and including 2013/14. Significantly, the deal provides Arsenal with long term certainty of income and strong cash-flow from one of its key revenue lines over the period when the Group\'s financial commitments arising from the construction of Emirates Stadium will be at their highest level.

                              Emirates is the world\'s fastest growing intercontinental airline and has more than tripled the size of its UK operation in the last four years. It now flies 11 times daily from London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow - to its home base of Dubai. From Dubai its route network now stretches across the globe - some 77 cities in 54 countries on five continents.

                              Arsenal remains fully committed to its existing partnership with O2, which remains official club and shirt sponsor on an exclusive basis until the end of the 2005/2006 season. O2\'s relationship with Arsenal has been a tremendous success for both parties over the first two years of the sponsorship, bringing unprecedented awareness and creating powerful new ways to extend the community of Arsenal fans through interactive mobile services. Arsenal and O2 are committed to building on that success with a range of new activities, including
                              a series of high profile events planned for the club\'s last season at Highbury in 2005/06. It is anticipated that the highly successful Arsenal Mobile joint venture, which provides fans with exclusive Arsenal content via a range of jointly branded mobile services, will continue beyond 2006.
                              Foorumi raamatupidamisgurud võiksid aidata mõista, kuidas saab tulevane £90M saab tänasesse päeva diskonteerituna olla üle £100M? Ainus võimalus on, et tehingu alustuseks tehakse sissemakse, kuid kerge arvutuse järgi (võttes aluseks suhteliselt normaalse diskontomäära) peab selle väärtus peab olema üle ca £40M (eesmärgiga, et tänane väärtus oleks £100M või rohkem).


                                Vastus teemale \'Arsenal\'

                                Emirates Stadium

                                Kahjuks oksendavat emotikooni pole.
                                When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story!

