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AS Roma

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    Algselt postitas F.Totti Vaata postitust
    Logo oli minu jaoks alguses ka natuke võõras, kuid tglt on täitsa kena ja ROMA on nüüd kirjas logol mitte ASR lühend, sellesmõttes on kõigile selge, mis klubiga tegemist on.

    Nojah, nagu näete, kallid kunstisõbrad, kui püüame nüüd asja pisut lahti setestada, siis sellel kunsttükil elaja seni kaunis kidurad udarad järsku muutunud raudjalt vimmas ogadeks on, mis muidugi klubi ja tema toetajate karmi vaimu ja nuga-sinu-ahtrisse-suhtumist sümboliseerivad. Samas, elaja senine anonüümne näoilme, mida muidu võiks sellise naturaalse tegevuse nagu imetamisega seostada, on lausa häirivalt vabandavaks muutunud - võiks isegi arvata, et elajas toimuvast teatud seksuaalset rahuldust tunneb. Viimase lihvi asjale muidugi rubenslikult lihavad kupiidod annavad, kes seniste nälginud ripatsite asemele elaja udarate otsa pandud on. Nende ilme väljendab ennekõike seda, et nad peamiselt isahunti imema harjunud on ja antud uues olukorras midagi peale käte laiutamise pihta ei oska hakata.

    - Voldemar Vaga, "Rooma kunstiajalugu", 1932
    We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


      Algselt postitas Mõnuagent 007 Vaata postitust
      Oeh, fuck. Nüüd peab ka Romale pöialt hoidma.
      Ruudi pärast? Miks?
      So self aware so full of shit


        Dannarile meeldivad Lilled


          Uued treenerid ja asjad, aga Count on ikka kuhugi kadunud? Derbi kaotus mõjus talle veel laastavamalt kui meile vist. TULE TAGASI COUNT!!!
          So self aware so full of shit


            Esimest korda ka siis Trigorias RG


            Matteo Pessina e Nicolò Barella “Perché non hanno vinto loro? Perché sono invidiosi, gelosi”


              Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
              Baldini lahkus poolte kokkuleppel. Läheb ilmselt Spursi.
              Algselt postitas Redman Vaata postitust
              Baldini väga vaevalt Spursi läheb, päris nii kiirelt Spurs neid asju ei aja ja AVB-le võib 3-e ära panna eelmise hooaja eest.
              Algselt postitas Redman Vaata postitust
              Jep, aga siiski väga ebatõenäoline.
              Uskumatu on saanud teoks

              Tottenham sign director Baldini


                ET UUS SAAKS ALGUSE!



                  88 games and 15 goals make Daniele De Rossi the best Giallorossi player with the Italian national team.

                  With the goal scored yesterday against Japan, AS Roma player is also Azzurri’s all-time most prolific midfielder, bypassing Gianni Rivera and Giovanni Ferrari.


                    Tachtsidis Genoasse tagasi, Roma müüs 50% osaluse Genoale maha.

                    Natuke kahju, tundus päris lootustandev mängumees, eriti pre-seasonil ja hooaja alguses, hiljem natuke vajus ära, kuid siiski oma vanuse ja kogenematuse kohta näitas kohati väga häid lükkeid.


                      Destro osteti välja ära, 4,5 mil. mis teeb kogusummaks 16 mil. Co-Ownididest osteti välja veel Caprari, Piscitella ja Verre. Caprarit ja Piscitellat olen juba ammu meeskonda tagasi oodanud, talenti poistel on. Loodame et Ruudi neile võimaluse ka annab.
                      So self aware so full of shit


                        USA ekskursioon:
                        July 31st in Kansas City (against All Stars MLS)
                        August 7th TORONTO, against Toronto FC
                        August 10th in Baltimore, against Chelsea.


                          mis case De Rossi käisega on? teab keegi reaalset vastust[ntx Daniele enda vastus mõnel pressikal], miks ta ühte pikalt kannab?
                          jokers to the right
                          clowns to the left of me


                            Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                            mis case De Rossi käisega on? teab keegi reaalset vastust[ntx Daniele enda vastus mõnel pressikal], miks ta ühte pikalt kannab?
                            Olen ka ise sellepeale kusjuures mõelnud....

                            Naised saunas annavad sellise vastuse:

                            Eccentric fashion style has been used De Rossi from the first Euro match when Italy against Spain. Perhaps this style into a kind of lucky charm for De Rossi and Italy itself that is now paved the way to the final tournament. However, what exactly is the reason De Rossi just use one long-sleeve?

                            De Rossi is not the player who likes to dress up, so excuse the choice to dress as a new trend in fashion world may be crossed out. The most plausible reason is related to the tattoo he had. De Rossi has many tattoos all over his body-strewn. Some say, wear long-sleeve De Rossi for refusing his tattoos visible Teletubbies public during the Euro held. The reason this is broken because of a tattoo on his right arm Teletubbies De Rossi.

                            The next reason, De Rossi has a new tattoo. Thus, long-sleeve tattoos are used to protect it from damage. Some say the reason is true, but not to protect a new tattoo, but a tattoo is very meaningful to De Rossi and her daughter. The reason put forward is that many of De Rossi deliberately wear long-sleeve to cover the entire tattoo on his left arm as a sign of respect. The reason this makes sense, but many other players in the Euro which has no "respect" to show off their tattoos on his arm. Meanwhile, some are half-jokingly says De Rossi want to emulate the Roman gladiators are also often wear long-sleeve in one of their arms.

                            If traced, the style of clothing is also often used De Rossi playing for AS Roma. On an internet forum, there are Roma fans who said, in a game De Rossi torn shirt sleeve. At that time, De Rossi Roma played very well and win. After that, "Capitan Futuro" decided to wear a long-sleeve to give him luck while playing.

                            So, what is the tattoo on her left De Rossi? As reported by Bild, there De Rossi has a tattoo of heaven and earth, sky blue, and fire. There is a Latin language text that reads, "Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia IBI". Meaning of the motto is, "Wherever you are, I'll be there".
                            Roma gladiaatorid (usun, et see üks peamisi põhjusi, miks ta seda nii kannab)(kunagi siis ilmselt kaitses see kätt, kus käes oli mõõk):



                              Ta vasakukäeline vä ?
                              Inter - ausaim klubi Itaalias.


                                Algselt postitas F.Totti Vaata postitust
                                teooriad ja spekull
                                'täh. küsimus on siis konkreetse vastuseta? pressikatel jätab vastamata?

                                meenustus kah
                                jokers to the right
                                clowns to the left of me

