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Ise loomulikult noormeest näinud pole, aga kõik jutud noormehe kohta on pigem julgustavad. Hugo Campagnaro: "Is Madgragora like Thiago Motta? For me Mascherano, who I have also played with for Argentina. Similar tactical wickedness. When I was told that he was 18 I swear I thought it was the typical locker-room joke. I couldn't believe it. He's a boy with enormous potential and with a mentality that is rare for an 18-yr old."

Järgmine noor, keda peale Mandragorale ja Sensile käpa peale panemist, väidetavalt sihitakse on Sampdoria 18a ründaja Federico Bonazzoli. Interil olevat küll enda kasvandiku osas tagasiostuklausel, aga Juventuse huvi olevat üsna tõsine. Saab näha.