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AC Milan

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    Väga hea. Ultrad peaks teda rohkem vilistama.

    Fino alla fine FORZA JUVE


      Jasper, pane spoiler peale.


        FFP värgist, mis täna tagasi lükati.
        AC Milan CEO Marco Fassone explains why a voluntary agreement was not reached with UEFA in a video published on the club’s official website.Here is a recap of the most salient points:Why did UEFA reject the voluntary agreement?It was a decision that we expected based on what was said the past few days. UEFA requested some additional documentation with conditions that were impossible to meet. The first of which was the refinancing of the debt with Elliott that is due by next October, and second a request to immediately deposit a significant amount of capital as a guarantee. These conditions are impossible to meet not only for Milan but any other club in a similar situation. We tried our best to explain this to the control board but they maintained their decision.

        Milan was the first club to request a voluntary agreement. Was there anything you could have done better?No I don’t believe so. Starting with our first encounter in November we provided a significant amount of documentation. We provided scenarios with optimistic and less optimistic results, including less revenues from China and poor results in the standings.Milan must now move towards a Settlement Agreement, what doe it consist of?The settlement agreement is something many clubs in Europe are familiar with and has been in place for several years now, including some Italian clubs. We tried to avoid getting sanctions for violations of the FFP of previous years (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17). We are not talking about violations of today but in the past. UEFA did not give us the option to avoid sanctions. We hope they will not be excessive and will be in line with sanctions that have been imposed in the past. UEFA will make a proposal to Milan with a sanction to cover the FFP violations of the previous years.
        AC Milan CEO Marco Fassone explains why a voluntary agreement was not reached with UEFA in a video published on the club's official website.


          Kuidas Plizzari Serie B-s mänginud on? Võiks mõne aasta jooksul temast põhiväravavahti loota, kui Donnarumma lahkuma peaks?


            Hip hip hurraa Milanile.


              Algselt postitas R4uno Vaata postitust
              Kuidas Plizzari Serie B-s mänginud on? Võiks mõne aasta jooksul temast põhiväravavahti loota, kui Donnarumma lahkuma peaks?

              Nii ja naa. Kiirpilgul mänginud üle poolte kohtumiste, aga midagi ülisäravat pole vist toiomunud.

              Homme vs Verona

              Pakutakse midagi sellist


                Te v6ite ju vaielda, aga mark my words, liigatiitlit enam ei pyya.
                jokers to the right
                clowns to the left of me




                    Meme tehtud Milani fännide poolt nd keskel. HUUMOR MAXXXX LVL


                      Algselt postitas Jr Vaata postitust
                      Meme tehtud Milani fännide poolt nd keskel. HUUMOR MAXXXX LVL
                      Kas rebestas nii kibedalt, et kleepisid selle k6ikidesse sootsiumidesse v6i otsustasid ainult siia m2rkida kui lamedatel saitidel sa k2id?
                      jokers to the right
                      clowns to the left of me


                        Väike dejavu.
                        Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                        JEp, Serie B on veel saavutatav. Sinna on vähem punkte kui CL kohani.
                        Elu on lühike, pidu on pikk.



                            Tundub,et Gattusol ei saa olema kerge...


                              Kuni esimese väravani olime selgelt üle ja oleks pidanud ära lööma. Peale seda nurgalöögi väravat oleks tüübid nagu täiesti alla andnud. Rünnak enam ei toiminud ja kaitses jäädi hiljaks. Mitte esimene kord see hooaeg, kus peale kaotusseisu jäämist valge lipp visatakse.

                              Suso jääb nüüd Atalanta vastu eemale nii et raske sealt mängust väravat oodata. Monto oli päris kohutav täna, Bigliat on asap vaja isegi sellises mänguvormis mis tal praegu on. Aga esimese pooltunni pealt oli tänane lubav.


                                Monto oli yks parimaid meie poolelt nagu tal on olnud kombeks vaat, et k6ikides selle hooaja m2ngudes. Te lihtsalt memede inertsist toote ta v2lja.
                                jokers to the right
                                clowns to the left of me

