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AC Milan
Fossati pidavat tõesti väga tip-top mängija olema. Veel aasta tagasi kuulus ta Interi ridadesse, aga Milan maksis tema eest meile vist üle 5 miljonit euro vaatamata sellele, et ta tipptasemel veel mänginudki polnud, mis peaks juba palju ütlema. Kui ma õigesti mäletan, ei tahtnud ta uut lepingut sõlmida või nõudis liiga palju palka, mistõttu Inter ta rahaks teha otsustaks. Hellitavalt kutsuti neid veel paar aastat tagasi koos Lorenzo Crisetigiga Itaalia Xaviks ja Iniestaks.
Mõned kuud noorem Crisetig on natuke rohkem pildis olnud, sest juba möödunud sügisel kutsuti ees vist läbiaegade noorima mängijana Itaalia U21 koondisesse, aga mängu ta kirja ei saanud. Praegu on sarnaselt Fossatiga teist suve järjest esimese tiimiga treenimas ja mängimas kuigi kaheldav, et ta hooajal mingit rolli mängida saab. Eks näis, mis neist kahest noorukist saab, loodetavasti kumbki tiim neid päris 20-aastaseks saamiseni kuskil Primaveras ei hoia vaid saadab laenule kui ise mänguaega pakkuda ei saa.
Ühele kolmandale keskvälja mehele, kes on sama vana, on samuti lootused pannud. Marco Verratti, kes on end veidi rohkem tõestanud. Mängib ta Pescaraga Serie B-s ning oli möödunud hooajal peaaegu põhimees, saades oma ülesannetega väga hästi hakkama. Tema tulevik paistab olevat Roma ridades (ja sealt laenatakse ta ilmselt edasi mõnele Serie A klubile), aga eks aeg näitab, kes ta suvel endale krabab.
Loodetavasti siis vähemalt kaks neist kolmest lootustandvast keskväljatalendist midagi teha suudab.
Üldiselt kui Milan suudaks endale Montolivo ja ühe õige ründava pooliku tuua, siis võib nende Mercatole küll väga hea hinde panna. Likvideeritakse vähesed probleemid kaitseliinis (eriti kui Taiwost asja saab või ta vähemalt Antoninit veidi rohkem pingutama paneb), tuuakse keskväljale töömeeste ja talkajate kõrvale veidi noorust, kiirust ja kreatiivsust. Ainus küsimus, mis võimaliku koosseisuga tekib, see, kuidas saadaks hakkama juhul, kui rünnata tuleb veidi laiemalt ja rohkem äärte kaudu. Samas Cassano, Pato ja Robinho on nagunii mängijad, kes tahavad mängu laiali tõmmata ning mängivad tihti küljejoone juures.sigpic
Esimene: Abbiati (Amelia), Antonini, Nesta, Oddo, Taiwo, Flamini, Van Bommel, Seedorf, Valoti, Ibrahimovic, Cassano.
Teine poolaeg: Amelia (Roma), Abate, Bonera, Ferreira(De Sciglio), Zambrotta (Fossati), Gattuso, Ambrosini, Emanuelson, Boateng, Paloschi (Comi), Inzaghi.
Väravalööjad: Seedorf (3'), Viscomi (ov, 4'), Cassano (5'), Valoti (11'), Flamini (13'), Ibrahimovic (29'),Ibrahimovic (40'), Paloschi (48'), Zambrotta (59'), Emanuelson (69'), Inzaghi (77'), Comi (84').
Cesc is Cornered! Super Offer from AC Milan
LONDON, ENGLAND – Barcelona has fulfilled one of their two aspirations and officially got transferred the Chilean miracle, Alexis Sanchez, from Italian squad, Udinese.
The Chilean striker will come to Nou Camp in exchange for 37.5 million euro, of which the “aliens” are intending to pay 26 million in the moment of the transfer and the remaining amount to be disbursed in several tranches.
Now the next target of Pep Guardiola is the former FC Barcelona’s junior, Cesc Fabregas. The captain of Arsenal is wanted for a long time by the Catalans, but Arsene Wenger has managed to cope with the siege and promised to gunners’ fans that the playmaker, aged 24 years, will not leave the Emirates.
The refusal received by the champions of Europe has, however, not scared the people from AC Milan. Cesc’s transfer in the Italian Serie A is an older dream of Galliani (AC Milan’s President), who has decided to act somehow in this case. Thus, the Milanese are putting on table a boggling offer: 35 million euro, plus Flamini and Emanuelson., website specialized in transfer rates, are rating the two at 17.5 million euro totally (Flamini – 9.5 million, Emanuelson – 8 million). The offer from AC Milan, of 52.5 million euro is far above than Barca’s, which has bid 37 million euro. Moreover, the Italians are offering even more than Wenger wants in exchange of his captain Cesc Fabregas: 45 million euro, informs the press in Italy.
Milan, the 25 squad for the Audi Cup
Here is a list of the 25 Rossoneri squad for the Audi Cup 2011:
Abbiati (32), Rome (30), Piscitelli (51), Abbot (20), Antonini (77), Bonera (25), Nesta (13), Oddo (17), Taiwo (2), Thiago Silva (33) , Zambrotta (19), Yepes (76), De Sciglio (52), Ambrosini (23), Boateng (27), Emanuelson (28), Gattuso (8), Seedorf (10), Van Bommel (4), Valoti ( 57), Cassano (99), Ibrahimovic (11), Pato (7), Robinho (70), Paloschi (43).
Algselt postitas keenjus250 Vaata postitustCesc is Cornered! Super Offer from AC Milan
LONDON, ENGLAND – Barcelona has fulfilled one of their two aspirations and officially got transferred the Chilean miracle, Alexis Sanchez, from Italian squad, Udinese.
The Chilean striker will come to Nou Camp in exchange for 37.5 million euro, of which the “aliens” are intending to pay 26 million in the moment of the transfer and the remaining amount to be disbursed in several tranches.
Now the next target of Pep Guardiola is the former FC Barcelona’s junior, Cesc Fabregas. The captain of Arsenal is wanted for a long time by the Catalans, but Arsene Wenger has managed to cope with the siege and promised to gunners’ fans that the playmaker, aged 24 years, will not leave the Emirates.
The refusal received by the champions of Europe has, however, not scared the people from AC Milan. Cesc’s transfer in the Italian Serie A is an older dream of Galliani (AC Milan’s President), who has decided to act somehow in this case. Thus, the Milanese are putting on table a boggling offer: 35 million euro, plus Flamini and Emanuelson., website specialized in transfer rates, are rating the two at 17.5 million euro totally (Flamini – 9.5 million, Emanuelson – 8 million). The offer from AC Milan, of 52.5 million euro is far above than Barca’s, which has bid 37 million euro. Moreover, the Italians are offering even more than Wenger wants in exchange of his captain Cesc Fabregas: 45 million euro, informs the press in Italy.Milanista
Algselt postitas jürks Vaata postitust7 sakslastThe path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.
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