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AC Milan

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    Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

    teie poolt siin paljukirutud Vieri sahistas Monaco eest juba oma esimeses mangus varavavorku
    Catalunya is not Spain!


      Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

      Algselt postitas lorenzo

      teie poolt siin paljukirutud Vieri sahistas Monaco eest juba oma esimeses mangus varavavorku
      jokers to the right
      clowns to the left of me


        Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

        Algselt postitas lorenzo

        teie poolt siin paljukirutud Vieri sahistas Monaco eest juba oma esimeses mangus varavavorku
        Kas see tõestab midagi siis?


          Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

          Algselt postitas Tanel

          Algselt postitas lorenzo

          teie poolt siin paljukirutud Vieri sahistas Monaco eest juba oma esimeses mangus varavavorku
          Kas see tõestab midagi siis?
          Ta kahjuks ei peagi midagi tõestama. Lööb väravaid või mitte, koondisse võetakse ta maskotiks igal juhul
          May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


            Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

            Ta lööb finaalis võiduvärava!


              Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

              ehk kui lorenzo arvas, et ma vihastasin tema postis olnud faktile siis ...

              January 14, 2006 - 20:00
              League 1/22nd day
              Stage Louis II - Referee: M. Bre

              1. WARMUZ Guillaume
              4. MODESTO François
              5. PEREZ Diego
              7. BERNARDI Lucas
              11. SORLIN Olivier
              13. Douglas MAICON
              17. KAPO Olivier
              18. CUBILIER Eric
              23. DI VAIO MARCO
              32. GIVET Gaël
              36. VIERI Christian

              andmed siis monaco kodukalt...aga miks ta nr 36 on? devil nagu väitis, et 3-2 jäi.

              ja pealikule...selliseid väravaid, kus ei anna öelda oleks-poleks jne on niivõrd vähe, et need pigem tunduvad kobinana kui soovitud sooritusena.
              PIPPO on kunn!
              jokers to the right
              clowns to the left of me


                Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                Algselt postitas Jasper

                PIPPO on kunn!
                Ega ma öelnudki, et Pippo pasa oleks, mulle isiklikult väga meeldib. Vales klubis küll mängib aga vahet pole.
                “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become reality.”


                  Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                  Vieri kohapealt meenub üks vana ütelus, mis sisaldab selliseid sõnu, nagu pime kana ja tera
                  ja mis koondisest te räägite?


                    Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                    Algselt postitas Tanel

                    Algselt postitas lorenzo

                    teie poolt siin paljukirutud Vieri sahistas Monaco eest juba oma esimeses mangus varavavorku
                    Kas see tõestab midagi siis?
                    Tanel, loe mu postitus korralikult läbi ja ütle kus kohas ma viitan mingile tõestamisele? ei tasu ikka nii ruttu põlema minna
                    muide eile oli uustulnukatel üldse hea päev oma debüütmängudes

                    Jasper, ma ei pea pikka viha:P
                    Catalunya is not Spain!


                      Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                      Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam

                      Vieri kohapealt meenub üks vana ütelus, mis sisaldab selliseid sõnu, nagu pime kana ja tera
                      ja mis koondisest te räägite?
                      Seda küsi Lippilt. Temal on kuldse prügikastiga eriline suhe vist Juventuse päevilt.

                      lorenzo, mulle tundus, et sa sõna paljukirutud kaasamisega tahtsid öelda, et valet meest kirume. Aga jah, minu vabandused, kui ei mõelnud.


                        Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                        Algselt postitas Tanel

                        Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam

                        Vieri kohapealt meenub üks vana ütelus, mis sisaldab selliseid sõnu, nagu pime kana ja tera
                        ja mis koondisest te räägite?
                        Seda küsi Lippilt. Temal on kuldse prügikastiga eriline suhe vist Juventuse päevilt.

                        lorenzo, mulle tundus, et sa sõna paljukirutud kaasamisega tahtsid öelda, et valet meest kirume. Aga jah, minu vabandused, kui ei mõelnud.
                        vabandused vastu võetud
                        Catalunya is not Spain!


                          Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                          Marseille doping scandal rocks Milan

                          Saturday 21 January, 2006

                          Milan are ready to demand the 1993 Champions League trophy after a Marseille star claimed the team was on drugs for the Final.

                          The Rossoneri lost the match in Munich 1-0 to a goal from Basil Boli, as their opponents became the first French team ever to lift the trophy. It was a shock, as Fabio Capello’s side had a 100 per cent record until that point with 10 consecutive victories.

                          Now former Marseille midfielder Jean-Jacques Edelie has revealed in his autobiography that the game was not all it seemed to be.

                          “The only time I agreed to take a doping product was the 1993 Champions League Final,” he confessed in the book that will come out on March 1.

                          “In all the clubs I played in, I saw some doping going on, except for Bastia, but this was the only time I accepted. We all took a series of injections and I felt different during the game, as my physique responded differently under strain. The only player who refused to take part was Rudi Voller (pictured).”

                          The news is a particular shock to Milan, as among the Marseille stars were future Serie A heroes Didier Deschamps and Marcel Desailly.

                          It’s not the first time that the French club has been embroiled in controversy, as it emerged they had fixed their title-clinching League game against ASOA Valence-Clime so that they could concentrate on the European Final. The side was stripped of Le Championnat, relegated and barred from defending this trophy.

                          Milan have asked their lawyers to look into the situation and many of the players who lost that day are hoping to be awarded the title with a 13-year delay.

                          “I am shocked and find this news disturbing,” Daniele Massaro told the Corriere dello Sport. “If these allegations are proved, then it would be right to take the trophy away from Marseille and return it to Milan. The whole thing is simply incredible.”

                          Roberto Donadoni, who is now Coach of Serie A side Livorno, aimed his scorn at the club hierarchy.

                          “I don’t know what the future of that cup holds, but one thing is certain: if it\'s proved that all the players were on something, then the directors must’ve had a hand in it. I remain stunned by the fact that professionals in this sport can go to any lengths in order to win.”

                          Vice-President Adriano Galliani called for UEFA to take action over these allegations.

                          “Our lawyer is looking into the situation and we believe that UEFA cannot help but begin an inquest when confronted with these statements. Of course, if Marseille really were on drugs against us that night, then I think it’s right for the trophy to be assigned to Milan. We’ll wait and see what happens.

                          allikas teadmata kuna milani foorumis pole avaldatud
                          igatahes varem nii tiitleid pole saanud seega suhtun väga pessimistlikult sellisesse seitsmesse meie särgi käisel. tra küll mis värk on? kuidas näeb ommikul välja paris hilton? mis kuradima klubi see olympique oli kui ostis vastaseid ära ja süstis omadele dopingut? on mul ikka õigesti meeles, et samal aastal mängisime toyota cupil või-mis-iganes ta ka polnud, kuna Marseille olevat ligue 1 ostnd vastased ära, et värskete meestega euroopas mängida?
                          jokers to the right
                          clowns to the left of me


                            Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                            Algselt postitas Jasper

                            Marseille doping scandal rocks Milan

                            Saturday 21 January, 2006

                            Milan are ready to demand the 1993 Champions League trophy after a Marseille star claimed the team was on drugs for the Final.

                            The Rossoneri lost the match in Munich 1-0 to a goal from Basil Boli, as their opponents became the first French team ever to lift the trophy. It was a shock, as Fabio Capello’s side had a 100 per cent record until that point with 10 consecutive victories.

                            Now former Marseille midfielder Jean-Jacques Edelie has revealed in his autobiography that the game was not all it seemed to be.

                            “The only time I agreed to take a doping product was the 1993 Champions League Final,” he confessed in the book that will come out on March 1.

                            “In all the clubs I played in, I saw some doping going on, except for Bastia, but this was the only time I accepted. We all took a series of injections and I felt different during the game, as my physique responded differently under strain. The only player who refused to take part was Rudi Voller (pictured).”

                            The news is a particular shock to Milan, as among the Marseille stars were future Serie A heroes Didier Deschamps and Marcel Desailly.

                            It’s not the first time that the French club has been embroiled in controversy, as it emerged they had fixed their title-clinching League game against ASOA Valence-Clime so that they could concentrate on the European Final. The side was stripped of Le Championnat, relegated and barred from defending this trophy.

                            Milan have asked their lawyers to look into the situation and many of the players who lost that day are hoping to be awarded the title with a 13-year delay.

                            “I am shocked and find this news disturbing,” Daniele Massaro told the Corriere dello Sport. “If these allegations are proved, then it would be right to take the trophy away from Marseille and return it to Milan. The whole thing is simply incredible.”

                            Roberto Donadoni, who is now Coach of Serie A side Livorno, aimed his scorn at the club hierarchy.

                            “I don’t know what the future of that cup holds, but one thing is certain: if it\'s proved that all the players were on something, then the directors must’ve had a hand in it. I remain stunned by the fact that professionals in this sport can go to any lengths in order to win.”

                            Vice-President Adriano Galliani called for UEFA to take action over these allegations.

                            “Our lawyer is looking into the situation and we believe that UEFA cannot help but begin an inquest when confronted with these statements. Of course, if Marseille really were on drugs against us that night, then I think it’s right for the trophy to be assigned to Milan. We’ll wait and see what happens.

                            allikas teadmata kuna milani foorumis pole avaldatud
                            igatahes varem nii tiitleid pole saanud seega suhtun väga pessimistlikult sellisesse seitsmesse meie särgi käisel. tra küll mis värk on? kuidas näeb ommikul välja paris hilton? mis kuradima klubi see olympique oli kui ostis vastaseid ära ja süstis omadele dopingut? on mul ikka õigesti meeles, et samal aastal mängisime toyota cupil või-mis-iganes ta ka polnud, kuna Marseille olevat ligue 1 ostnd vastased ära, et värskete meestega euroopas mängida?
                            Kui ma eksi siis allikaks Channel4
                            May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


                              Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                              Algselt postitas Maarek

                              Kui ma eksi siis allikaks Channel4
                              eeldasin ka seda aga ei julgenud sinna lehele kontrollima minna, sest sealt tuleb alatasa sellist paska, mis ajab hinge täis...
                              jokers to the right
                              clowns to the left of me


                                Vastus teemale \'AC Milan\'

                                Noh, ja kui nüüd Juventuse dopingu skandaali meelde tuletada siis ilmselt on ka hilisematel võitjatel omad patud hingedel.Ära võtmisega paljut suuremat hunnikut võidu pallureid ei saa ju, nii Massarol kui Donadoni said järgmine aasta oma karika nagu ka Marcel.Pole kursis, kes see sealt vahepeal ära läks aga noh ,mis see enam aitab.
                                Felix: Oh, bollocks!
                                Elmo: Dog's bollocks?
                                Felix: No, just plain fucking bollocks!
                                Elmo: No dog involved?

