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AC Milan

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    Eeldatavel alustavad täna: El Shaarawy (20aastane), Bojan (22aastane) ja Niang (18 aastane)


      90+ minutit mahavisatud aega.
      Kui üheks säravamaks teguriks platsil on vahetusest tulnud Flamini, on asi ikka vale.
      Eriti kahvatu ja sitt mäng. Robi sisselükkamine Shaawa asemele? Ehki see oli ka suht olematu, jõuab ta vähemalt joosta. Robi palli üldse sai? Boatengist ei viitsi rääkidagi. Või noh, oli ta üldse platsil? Bojan täispask.

      AC Milan News ‏@Milanello De Sciglio: "We will keep on believing that we can reach the 3rd spot. The second part of the season has only just begun."

      No parem oleks.

      AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Allegri: "We didn't concede any goals today and that's a very important thing because we have conceded too many goals this season."

      Allegri: "Bojan always struggle when he's playing alone up front. In any case, I'm satisfied with his performance."

      No nahui sa tast sinna keskele siis topid? Pand wannabe-balo keskele ja Kääbik äärde. Ja jätta vahetusse 0 ründajat (sest Robi võib maha kanda kuna ta bailatab endiselt Brasiilias oma mõtetega) oli ka hea idee. Urby on täiesti maha kantud juba?

      OptaPaolo ‏@OptaPaolo 1-First 0-0 after 35 Serie A matches for AC Milan ended scoring or conceding goals during the single game. Draw.

      Algselt postitas Allegri
      “We did not throw away points, as don’t forget we were facing a side that was capable of beating Juventus last week,” he said after a 0-0 Marassi draw.
      Tra ma nii teadsin, et see lause ära tuleb.

      Algselt postitas Allegri
      El Shaarawy has played many matches and is very generous, so he was bound to feel tired eventually. Bojan showed some good things tonight.
      Meh? Alles oli kaks nädalat mängupausi. Või oli siis tõesti Juve 120 minutit veel kehas.


        Tõeliselt V Õ I M A S kohtumine ! Tänan selle show eest
        FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


          must see highlights - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...v=aFqpMEh2sVc#!
          jokers to the right
          clowns to the left of me


            Story: Robinho and the pizza delivery boy.
            Story told by the Italian journalist Tancredi Palmeri.

            In the summer of 2009 when Robinho was still at Manchester City, I was supposed to be interviewing the unpredictable star before Brazil’s friendly in Estonia - but it soon turned into a wild goose chase.

            First I arranged to speak with him after dinner the day before the game, and then he called to say: "Call me on this number later".
            I called. No answer. I waited for him in the morning of the game in the hotel reception. He didn’t show up.
            After the game I tracked him down at Tallinn’s swankiest nightclub, but he left soon after. I intercepted him in the elevator back at the hotel. He told me: "We will do the interview tomorrow at midday".
            Later I asked the concierge what time the Brazil players were due to leave. "4 am.", he said. Robinho was obviously fobbing me off.

            I was about to give up when I noticed a pizza delivery boy in the hotel foyer. At that hour, it must have been for the Brazil players. So I stopped the pizza delivery boy in the elevator, gave him a generous tip and asked to borrow his cap for a few minutes.
            I knocked on Robinho’s door. He appeared. "Here are your pizzas," I said, "but first I want the interview".
            He was stunned, and then he laughed as only a Brazilian can, and finally agreed to do the interview an hour later in the reception.


              Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
              Story: Robinho and the pizza delivery boy.
              Story told by the Italian journalist Tancredi Palmeri.

              In the summer of 2009 when Robinho was still at Manchester City, I was supposed to be interviewing the unpredictable star before Brazil’s friendly in Estonia - but it soon turned into a wild goose chase.

              First I arranged to speak with him after dinner the day before the game, and then he called to say: "Call me on this number later".
              I called. No answer. I waited for him in the morning of the game in the hotel reception. He didn’t show up.
              After the game I tracked him down at Tallinn’s swankiest nightclub, but he left soon after. I intercepted him in the elevator back at the hotel. He told me: "We will do the interview tomorrow at midday".
              Later I asked the concierge what time the Brazil players were due to leave. "4 am.", he said. Robinho was obviously fobbing me off.

              I was about to give up when I noticed a pizza delivery boy in the hotel foyer. At that hour, it must have been for the Brazil players. So I stopped the pizza delivery boy in the elevator, gave him a generous tip and asked to borrow his cap for a few minutes.
              I knocked on Robinho’s door. He appeared. "Here are your pizzas," I said, "but first I want the interview".
              He was stunned, and then he laughed as only a Brazilian can, and finally agreed to do the interview an hour later in the reception.

              Angelo, kui sa seda peaks lugema, siis vii vennale retsepti.
              jokers to the right
              clowns to the left of me


                Iceman kuule, palju see generous tip oli? Oih vabandust, pitsa poiss olla käiks sul vist küll üle mõistuse.
                So self aware so full of shit


                  Kui see tõsi ka on siis tõesti thumbs up
                  1.totti koondisesse.
                  2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                  3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                  "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                    Kaka on/oli Milanis ja viskas välja järgmise avalduse- kõigeks valmis, et saaks Milanis mängida. Isegi mingi 10k eurose kuupalga? eest küsiks mina. Kui jah, siis juhhei ja võtke ära.


                      Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
                      Kaka on/oli Milanis ja viskas välja järgmise avalduse- kõigeks valmis, et saaks Milanis mängida. Isegi mingi 10k eurose kuupalga eest? küsiks mina. Kui jah, siis juhhei ja võtke ära.
                      Sest see
                      Algselt postitas twitter
                      AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Silvio Berlusconi himself is talking with Florentino Perez about bringing back Kakà, according to Milan Channel.

                      on ikka parem kui see
                      Algselt postitas twitter
                      AC Milan News ‏@Milanello Sky Italia reports that Berlusconi and Galliani were ready to bring Beckham back to Milan, but Allegri doesn't want him.


                        Mis sellest plaanist sai?
                        "We're monitoring around 100 young players. We won't sign any top players that are older than 21 years.


                          Milani seis on nii hapu, et enamus fänne on kõik laialijooksnud või lihtsalt mingit teist klubi fännama hakanud.Eks sellest annab ilmekalt tõestust ka see, et siinne soccerneti ainus allesjäänud Milani fänn peab juba üksinda monoloogi pidama, kurb ,kurb.

                          Kaka tase pole enam ammugi see, kuid Milanile ta kahtlemata abiks oleks ja minul oleks isegi heameel kui ta saba jalgevahel koju tagasituleks, lihtsalt enam ma ei tunne mõnu milani piinade vaatamisest, nüüd on juba selline valus tunne hinges ja kerge haletsus, arvestades Milani ründejõudu, siis usun, et see kompenseerib viimaste aastate Kaka tasemelanguse.


                            Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                            Mis sellest plaanist sai?
                            weak troll is weak. (isegi, kui vastuse välja trollib)
                            jokers to the right
                            clowns to the left of me


                              Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                              weak troll is weak. (isegi, kui vastuse välja trollib)
                              Troll? Mõtlesin juba Beckhami juttude ajal, et wtf. Kas ainult noortele panustamise mõte poleks nendele mänguaja andmine ja 1-3a perspektiivi arvestamine. Kaka toomine oleks täpselt vastupidine tegutsemine. Isegi kui tuleb sisuliselt ilma rahata kätte.


                                Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                                Troll? Mõtlesin juba Beckhami juttude ajal, et wtf. Kas ainult noortele panustamise mõte poleks nendele mänguaja andmine ja 1-3a perspektiivi arvestamine. Kaka toomine oleks täpselt vastupidine tegutsemine. Isegi kui tuleb sisuliselt ilma rahata kätte.
                                Muntari on ju noor ?

