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    Eto'o 2, Genoa 0 poolajal. Muntari mängib ka hästi täna, ja Ranocchia debüüt lasteaia vastu on olnud korralik.


      Interi esitus on väga hea , Ranocchia debüüdiga võib väga rahule jääda, kiiruse poolest päris Usain Bolt ei ole, aga 2meetrised mehed ei olegi tavaliselt, tüübil on lihtsalt ülisuper positsiooni valik, alati õiges kohas. David Santoni on lõpuks näha ja kutt töötab tugevalt vasakul äärel. Hea esitus. Täielikult bossud väravad Samult. 2-0. Ootame hat tricki siis


        Lasteaed või mitte, kindel, selge ja puhas mäng meie poolt.
        Beniteziga see mäng oli raske ka.
        Välja näeb mängime nagu tavaliselt oskame.


          Teisel poolajal läks mäng veidi uniseks meie poolelt, aga enesekindlust siiski järjekordne võit peaks tõstma.

          Ranocchia andis pendla ära, et oma debüüdile kehv maitse juurde anda.


            Lõpus jäädi lihtsalt vist tukkuma ja lasti ära lüüa tüüpiline viga , freekickist sisse lasta. Edasi oleme niikuinii, sel nädalavahetusel tuleb küll Marco DiVaiost ja Co'st. bolognese kastet teha.Viimane kord jäi see ära.


              Hästi mängis täna ja mõnes mõttes saan tast isegi aru, et see vahetus talle ebaõiglane tundus, aga no kasuta vahelduseks oma aju ja ära jonni nagu mingi tatikas...


                Algselt postitas Jr Vaata postitust
                Lõpus jäädi lihtsalt vist tukkuma ja lasti ära lüüa tüüpiline viga , freekickist sisse lasta. Edasi oleme niikuinii, sel nädalavahetusel tuleb küll Marco DiVaiost ja Co'st. bolognese kastet teha.Viimane kord jäi see ära.
                Loodetavasti seekord olete teie nuudlid ja Bologna on rammus Bolognese kaste teie peal, iga itaallase unistus.


                  Algselt postitas Jr Vaata postitust
                  Interi esitus on väga hea , Ranocchia debüüdiga võib väga rahule jääda, kiiruse poolest päris Usain Bolt ei ole, aga 2meetrised mehed ei olegi tavaliselt, tüübil on lihtsalt ülisuper positsiooni valik, alati õiges kohas. David Santoni on lõpuks näha ja kutt töötab tugevalt vasakul äärel. Hea esitus. Täielikult bossud väravad Samult. 2-0. Ootame hat tricki siis
                  Kuidagi peakski seda vasemat äärt ohtlikumaks muutma. See mäng oligi hea kuna mäng tõmmati laiali. Paremalt Maicon, Pandev ja vasakult Santon, Etó. Chivu on liiga kaitsev mängija. Arvan,et Leonardo saigi proovida sellist teistmoodi koosseisu ka. Ta tahab asja muuta ja mängu loovamaks ning tulemust kindlasti.
                  Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one!!!
                  I veri tifosi non seguono l'Inter, sono l'Inter!!!


                    Ülipositiivseid uudiseid:

                    Samuel loodab, et on enne hooaja lõppu tagasi.

                    Kui peaks hooaja lõpus tuliseks minema, siis Il Muro naasmine oleks võimas pluss.

                    Edit: Parim kaitsja ikkagi...


                      interlased, mis te virisete, te saite ju oma auhinna kätte. Mourinho ju aasta treener. selle sai ta ju ikka enamasti tänu CL-i võidule kevadel
                      Catalunya is not Spain!


                        Mind see auhind ei kotigi. Ma väidan seda, et Samuel on sama hea kui ükski teine kaitsja maailmas, isegi paremgi, aga millegi pärast kiputakse ikka arvama, et Luciod jms on paremad. Kuigi mul on kõik CL-i knockout mängud olemas ja pärast nende korduvat vaatamist eelnevatel kuudel olen ma oma varasemas arvamuses veelgi kindlam... parim kaitsja kõigis meie CL-i knock-out mängudes kui esimene mäng Chelseaga välja jätta.

                        Aga Javier Zanetti kordab homme Bergomi liigamängude rekordit, intervjuu Gazzetta dello Sportiga:

                        ZANETTI 519

                        515 games with Inter in Serie A but with the elimination games, tomorrow, he will reach Beppe Bergomi.
                        The league matches played by Zanetti with Inter are at 515 plus 3 elimination matches: two for the UEFA qualification in 1999 (with Bologna) and one for the preliminary round in the Champions League in 2000 (with Parma).
                        "I am like Zio: what a record. I will tell you the joys, sorrows, folies, likes and dislikes."
                        "Sforzo never laughed ever. Winter burned the shoes. Ince warmed himself by puling punches. And once West had me praying until midnight..."

                        Matches in Serie A (including elimination): 518-519
                        Matches played entirely: 478-477
                        Wins: 287-234
                        Losses: 97-126
                        Goals: 12-23

                        Appiano Gentile - Staying on the field for a month straight, never stopping, never coming out. 45,033 minutes already played in Serie A, as in 750 hours, as in 31 days. And tomorrow right, Inter against Bologna, Zanetti will stamp the number 519. 519 just like Beppe Bergomi, 15 years and just like the first time.

                        Inter versus Vicenza, August 27, 1995, Zanetti, is this true that you will never forget this day?
                        "Certainly I will not forget the San Siro. I played against Boca at the pit of Bombonera but I had never had 60,000 fans on my side."

                        What game you will never forget?
                        "Siena in 2007, my first Scudetto on the field. I never cry like that."

                        And the game to forget?
                        "A well-known one on May 5, 2002. A distressing sensation of a year of hard work which was thrown away in less than an hour and a half."

                        Sleepless before a game?
                        "Before Parma-Inter, the one with two goals by Ibra. I closed my eyes and saw the Inter-Siena game a week before."

                        The most difficult time being a captain?
                        "Florence in 2006. Giancinto Facchetti had died 20 days prior today and I wrote on my armband. 'You are everything a man should be. We will mist you. Bye Giacinto.'"

                        And the time you took more beatings?
                        "Inter 1-0 Juventus, goal by Djorkaeff. It was a strong Juve."

                        The best goal? Yours or from others?
                        "Mine in Verona in 1996. But the volley of Djorkaeff was just in a different category."

                        A moment that you would cry?
                        "When Taribo West threw the shirt in Lucescu's face. And when Ronaldo got hurt against Lazio. I remember the silence of the Olympico which gave me a shudder even now."

                        The stadium that put you in awe?
                        "San Paolo. Playing there is more than an emotion."

                        The opponent that made you say: 'Now I have to play against him?"
                        "Nedved. I had dealt with him several times on the wing. I remember an Inter-Lazio game and it's been 90 minutes and we hadn't stopped. Both of us."

                        The teammates that made you feel safer?
                        "Playing with Ronaldo and Baggio gave me a crazy feeling of strength."

                        The most crazy?
                        "Tariob West because of his separation to the attackers. Not only one, not two but like 20 or 30 times. Lippi in training told Taribo: 'Come closer to your striker' and he did nothing. Lippi then stopped the training: 'Why didn't you hear me?' Taribo told him that 'God did not tell me to close my striker down.'"

                        And the second?
                        "One night, he invited me and Ivan Zamorano to one of his organized religious services at his home. He said: 'We will pray a bit and then dinner.' We met at 7 and prayed. We still prayed at 9. At 10, we were still praying. And he fed us at midnight."

                        The most annoying teammate?
                        "Ciriaco Sforza was not unpleasant but he never ever laughed. Never."

                        Who didn't you have a feeling for?
                        "Ballotta. We had two different ways of living in difficult times."

                        And the coach?
                        "With Tardelli, it was a player-coach relationship, nothing more. He was the only one."

                        And the referee?
                        "Braschi was the only one that actually sent me off and I think I said to him: 'Bravo'. But to be honest it was 'Bravo, but that is enough.' That was after he sent off Bergomi and Colonnese (Inter-Parma, Italian Cup) and then it was my turn."

                        The teammate that helped you the most?
                        "When I arrived, it was Bergomi and several teammates that taught me to know and live the reality of Inter."

                        The biggest talent that was wasted?
                        "Recoba and it was not just him. A little bit of him and a bit of coaches."

                        One of the better jokes?
                        "One time, Winter burned a pair of old shoes and Ince went crazy. And one time Galante, in Napoli, took a water balloon and threw it at a hotel window."

                        Five faces that come to mind?
                        "Paula's, Nacho's and Sol's at the second goal by Ibra in Parma. Moratti's in Siena and Facchetti's when we won in Turin against Juventus. The horrible ones were Ronaldo's having cheated in a derby by Seba Rossi and Walter Samue's after the injury."

                        The five images?
                        "My goal against Roma (Inter 1-1 Roma, February 2008 ) and Vieira, who were trying to stop me but I was like I am not stopping for anyone. Ince was trying to heat himself by punching a punching ball. Simoni who chased Ceccarini, the one that did not give a penalty for Ronaldo. In the year of Tardelli, a solar shower was put at Pinetina, we looked at each other and laughed. And then the trip to Venezia by a ferry; Ronaldi tried not to vomit and West, who was like a tourist, took a camera and filmed everything."

                        Tomorrow night is the number 519. At what number will you stop?
                        "I don't know. But I know that I want it at the San Siro. The place where I almost spend 20 years of my life. Can't be better than at your home right?"


                          "And one time Galante, in Napoli, took a water balloon and threw it at a hotel window."
                          Huvitavad naljad meestel

                          Aga rääkides Samuelist, siis minu silmis oli "The Wall" maailma parim juba Roma päevil, mil lootsin, et Inter selle mehe endale kunagi muretseks ja nii läkski, harva see mees eksib. Paar aastat tagasi oli Serie A üks tugevamaid kaitseliine Cordoba-Samuel, kui inter poolaastaks jõudis suure edu sisse mängida, peale ühe mehe vigastust lagunes see totaalselt, sama võib väita ka selle hooaja kohta. Kiiret paranemist talle ja loodan et veel sel hooajal tagasi.


                            Sellele Samueli jutule kirjutan kahe käega alla. Lucio haipimine ja selle juures Samueli kõrvalejätmine on üks kummalisemaid tendentse auhindamistel. Sesmõttes Lucio küll triblab ja paistab rohkem silma, aga Samuel on kindlus ise. Ja ei saa ka öelda, et Lucio on kaitseliini vaimne liider, sest seda rolli mängib siiski mr. ideaalsoeng.



