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    Algselt postitas orbitaaljaam Vaata postitust
    Noh, neid kloune saab kahe meeskonna peale kokku kahjuks ühe tubli tsirkusetuuri jagu.
    Minu arust saab neid kloune kahe meeskonna peale kaks meeskonda kokku.
    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


      Zanetti lõpetamisest on vara veel rääkida. Otseselt pole midagi öeldud.

      "The captain will be part of the club. As I keep saying, we want to focus on the last three games we have. I met Zanetti yesterday and we spoke about the fact that the team needs to focus on getting as many points as we can, but at the same time we had discussions about him studying English and management. I think it's important that when he's part of the club he understands not only the sport but also the management side. The most important thing is that he's still a player at the moment and he can help us perform consistently over the next three games."
      Samas tundub üsna usutav variant, et pensile läheb. Mazzarri 3-5-2 pole tal küll mingit kohta, kus ta võiks kasulik olla. Muidugi väga kahju oleks, kui viimase kodumängu puhul oleks Curva Nord suletud ja jääks ilma Milito, Samueli, Zanetti ja võib-olla ka Cambiasso hüvastijätust.


        Mazzarri_lol. näksi pudeleid.
        jokers to the right
        clowns to the left of me


          Ta räppis mingi 65 minuti paiku kükakil olles muru suunas. Sellest pole gifi?


            Tahtsin end nädalaks vetsu lukku panna, aga kahjuks pole vetsul lukku. Nii hilja ei tea, kust ostma ka minna.


              Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
              Tahtsin end nädalaks vetsu lukku panna, aga kahjuks pole vetsul lukku. Nii hilja ei tea, kust ostma ka minna.
              Koli Statoili.


                Keegi siin tahtis infot, et kaugel see ennustatud 8. koht on?

                noh... 3 punkti veel minna. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING

                The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


                  Algselt postitas Tanel Vaata postitust
                  Tahtsin end nädalaks vetsu lukku panna, aga kahjuks pole vetsul lukku. Nii hilja ei tea, kust ostma ka minna.

                  Mine Markku juurde, istuge ühes vetsus. Nagunii fännate mõlemid peldikuid.
                  So self aware so full of shit


                    See oli ikka eriline sitt... päris korralik kvaliteetsitt! Ma lausa nomineeriks selle esituse oma top 3 kõige sitema derbyesituse haisvale autahvlile mida ma üldse Serie As olen näinud

                    Tervitan Hernanesit(ta), shit happens - better luck with next transfer?


                      Zanetti lõpetab karjääri. See on kahtlemata märkimisväärne uudis siia. Elagu legend!


                        Mulle meeldis kuskilt neti avarustest loetud komm : There is a theory that Zanetti is a vampire ...

                        He's played about 1000 games and his face or hair has not moved an inch!............
                        Felix: Oh, bollocks!
                        Elmo: Dog's bollocks?
                        Felix: No, just plain fucking bollocks!
                        Elmo: No dog involved?


                          CHARLIE SKILLEN: How can someone play at the top level for 20 years but never age? It's not just Javier Zanetti's chiselled features and impossibly sharp side-parting that have remained undimmed since he joined Inter Milan in 1995, but his cool, collected and precise style of play.


                            Zanetti lõpetamisest on küll kuradima kahju...Talle jäetakse vähemalt koht Interis alles? Spordidirektor vms?
                            So self aware so full of shit


                              Ise mainis sporting manageri kohta. Kahju, et see vigastus ja Mazzarri juhtus temaga.

                              Grande Pupi!


                                INTER - LAZIO 20:45 CET Legendide viimane kodumäng täismaja Sansal.

