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    Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
    Cassano vastu pole otseselt midagi , Euro 2012 näitas ennast väga heast küljest. Samas kui arvestada, et hetke 31 aastane Cassano on füüsiliselt enam-vähem samas heas konditsioonis kui Totti, siis kogemuste ja oskuste poolest võtaksin Totti.


      Kui Cassano füüsis on rottiga sama siis balotelli on kõige sõbralikuim ja targeim inimene keda kunagi kohanud olen.
      1.totti koondisesse.
      2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
      3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
      "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


        Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
        Kui Cassano füüsis on rottiga sama siis balotelli on kõige sõbralikuim ja targeim inimene keda kunagi kohanud olen.
        Sa oled ju ikka s!taks Balotelliga juttu ajanud ning tead täpselt milline ta on...

        Ma oleks ka ikka väga sillas kui näeks justnimelt BRASIILIAS veel viimast korda Pirlo-Totti-Buffon.


          Kahjuks jääb sul see sillateema ära.
          1.totti koondisesse.
          2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
          3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
          "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


            Totti kommentaarib elu:

            “I would take Cassano to the World Cup.

            “Alongside myself? If I am fit and well, why not?”


              Toon siia ka selle, kuna puudutab koondist.

              GdS: De Sciglio, Montolivo and Balotelli will be in Italy's #WorldCup squad. Abate: 75% chance of making it. El Shaarawy: Very unlikely.
              THEO HERNANDEZ


                Kuningas on rääkinud:

                Roma captain Francesco Totti believes both he and Antonio Cassano should be boarding the plane to Brazil in June, while he is keen to see Didier Drogba sign for the capital club in the future.

                Totti, 37, marked his return after a month out injured with a goal in the Giallorossi's 3-2 Serie A win over Udinese on Monday night.

                His sixth goal of the campaign has led to calls for him to be included by Italy coach Cesare Prandelli in his squad for the World Cup.

                Cassano also caught the eye at the weekend with two goals in Parma's 4-2 win at AC Milan.

                And while he says he continues to keep his fingers crossed Prandelli will call him up, Totti sees no reason why both he and Cassano, 31, cannot earn a call-up for Brazil.

                "Why not? If I'm fit, I'd take myself," Totti told La Romanista fanzine. "[Cassano's] half crazy, but he's a laugh and if he carries on playing the way he's playing now, it's only right that he goes."

                Totti is also hoping to be able to show his quality once again in the Champions League next season.

                Roma are currently on course for a return to Europe's elite club competition, and the Italy international feels they will not just be there to make up the numbers.

                "[Winning the Champions League] is the one thing I'm lacking," Totti said. "It's every Romanista's dream. It's harder to win than the World Cup, but let's just get there first."

                To help them, a player of Drogba's calibre would certainly help, Totti says.

                "If only we could get him!" Totti said. "He's even younger than I am. When you have players like that, then you can win things, but it's not down to me to sign players and I've never done that. But if we can get three more players, this is a team which can win things next season."

                Given Juventus' 14-point advantage at the top of Serie A, even if Roma still have a game in hand, Totti cannot see the scudetto arriving this season.

                "Juve are too strong," he said. "There's no catching them. They've been winning for three years and you've got to pay tribute to them for that.

                "It's 99 percent over. I'll keep a one percent chance for myself. [Our dream] ended in the past four or five games, not before. We believed we could win the scudetto because we were top, then second -- we were always thereabouts. Anyway, it's gone now."
                Enam ei saa vast keegi öelda, et Totti ise on keeldunud minemast ja annab jätkuvalt korvi.

                Mees rääkis siiralt asjad ära ja tegi Prandellile asjad puust ette ja punaseks, et nüüd jääb ainult Prandellil iseenda EGO-ga tegeleda, kas neelab selle alla või mitte.

                TOTTI-PIRLO-CASSANO Sellist raskekahurit pole ühelgi maailma tipptiimil väljapanna!

                MOTTA-MONTOLIVIO-GILARDINO Prandelli helesinine unistus!


                  Cassano: I’d take Totti to Brazil

                  Antonio Cassano says he sees value in Italy taking Francesco Totti to the World Cup, whilst he also has words of advice on understanding Mario Balotelli.
                  The 31-year-old is back on the Azzurro agenda heading into the run-up to the World Cup in Brazil this summer, with Cesare Prandelli admitting he is in contention for a spot on the plane.
                  On from welcoming the prospect of that challenge, the Parma playmaker has considered another name that could join him in South America for the summer, Francesco Totti.
                  He is a phenomenon. Even at 37, 38, he is scary. I would always call him up,” Cassano has enthused to the Corriere dello Sport today.

                  “I do not want any trouble with Prandelli, I do not want to make his selections for him.
                  But, put Totti in the field, against Spain, England, anyone we would face, and he would concern anyone. And that can mean so much.

                  “Our good relationship? Yes, we met last time when the match [between Roma and Parma] was suspended.
                  “The water… [the game was rained off]. It’s always a pleasure, though since then we’ve not spoken.
                  “Do I hope he goes to Brazil alongside me? Yes, I hope so.”
                  FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                    Kui ma varem olen täiesti kindel olnud, et Totti ei mängi enam ühelgi suurturniiril, siis esimest korda hakkab mulle tunduma, et see võib siiski juhtuda. No kurat kui mees ise nõus on ja füüsiline vorm lubab, siis on Prandelli ikka paganama keerulise valiku ees.


                      Prandelli pikendab 2aasta võrra. Huuuuh. Joppas, et Shitlegri üle ei võtnud.


                        Itaalia koondis on MMi kaotanud. Pede-Prandelli jätab Totti koju. Ükskord ahv, eluaeg ahv. Palju õnne. Nukker suvi on ees.
                        Selgitusi oleks päris "naljakas" kuulata.

                        FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                          See nüüd küll hea uudis pole, et Totti koju jääb :/. Selgitust oleks väga hea kuulata tõesti.
                          THEO HERNANDEZ


                            Daje Prandelli!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uno di noi!!!!!!!!!
                            1.totti koondisesse.
                            2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                            3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                            "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                              lots of fucks to give

                              ajakiri FIFA The Weekly
                              jokers to the right
                              clowns to the left of me


                                Kelle võtad, kelle jätad? Luksus missugune Prandellil.

                                Balotelli, Immobile, Destro, Rossi, Cerci, Insigne, Gilardino, Toni, Candreva, Diamanti, Cassano. Loodame, et Oss pole isegi mitte valik.
                                Last edited by Tanel; 06.04.14, 17:52.

