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Veits nalja

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    Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

    Kommentaar delfi.ee s teemale \" Inglismaa toob Eesti vutiliidule miljoneid \"

    adolf, 28.01.2006 13:56
    Ma tean ,et Eesti Gaas on paar milli nõus välja käima ,kui saaks Eesti-Isreali mängul peasponsor olla ja mõned korstnad suitsema panna.
    Inimesed, olge valvsad! Ma armastan teid ikka veel! Minu armastus – see on jube ja õudne, seepärast te peategi olema valvsad.


      Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

      A husband and wife are sitting quietly in bed reading when the wife
      looks over at him and asks the question....

      WIFE: \"What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?\"
      HUSBAND: \"Definitely not!\"
      WIFE: \"Why not? Don\'t you like being married?\"
      HUSBAND: \"Of course I do.\"
      WIFE: \"Then why wouldn\'t you remarry?\"
      HUSBAND: \"Okay, okay, I\'d get married again.\"
      WIFE: \"You would?\" (with a hurt look)
      HUSBAND: (makes audible groan)
      WIFE: \"Would you live in our house?\"
      HUSBAND: \"Sure, it\'s a great house.\"
      WIFE: \"Would you sleep with her in our bed?\"
      HUSBAND: \"Where else would we sleep?\"
      WIFE: \"Would you let her drive my car?\"
      HUSBAND: \"Probably , it is almost new.\"
      WIFE: \"Would you replace my pictures with hers?\"
      HUSBAND: \"That would seem like the proper thing to do.\"
      WIFE: \"Would you give her my jewelry?\"
      HUSBAND: \"No, I\'m sure she\'d want her own.\"
      WIFE: \"Would she use my golf clubs?\"
      HUSBAND: \"No, she\'s left-handed.\"
      WIFE: -- silence --
      HUSBAND: \"sh*t.\"
      Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

      My spell checking is second to nine!


        Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

        Võib-olla on see juba vana lugu, aga eile tegi ületamatu etteaste \'Ärapanijas\' keegi DJ Ryan Angelos. Milline kostüüm, milline tantsusamm. Vapustav!
        Ühesõnaga, sai veits nalja.
        The other line moves faster.


          Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

          Algselt postitas Raix

          Võib-olla on see juba vana lugu, aga eile tegi ületamatu etteaste \'Ärapanijas\' keegi DJ Ryan Angelos. Milline kostüüm, milline tantsusamm. Vapustav!
          Ühesõnaga, sai veits nalja.
          Thx, et ütlesid!
          Algselt postitas tank
          Õige! Eesti meistrikate vähene publikuhuvi on ilmselgelt tingitud sellest, et siin ei mängi piisavalt habemega naisi, siiami kaksikuid ja kahe näoga mehi.


            Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

            Algselt postitas Oll

            Algselt postitas Raix

            Võib-olla on see juba vana lugu, aga eile tegi ületamatu etteaste \'Ärapanijas\' keegi DJ Ryan Angelos. Milline kostüüm, milline tantsusamm. Vapustav!
            Ühesõnaga, sai veits nalja.
            Thx, et ütlesid!
            Võta heaks. Alati on tore valgustada lahedaid moderaatoreid. Kuigi jah, läheb raskeks, sest teid andekaid on päris palju.
            The other line moves faster.


              Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

              dj Ryan Angelos:
              sakus kusagil:

              Üldse palju mingit nalja vist: http://yass.lap.ee/


                Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                see Ryan Angelos esineb ka PIMP TV-s
                The Reward is Cheese.


                  Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                  Minge vaadake www.tv.ee (tänud dannarile meelde tuletamast), kes pole näind. Viimane osa. Totally rocks!

                  Kohe näha, et maailmas enim hinnatuim hardbiidi DJ! Millised liigutused!


                    Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                    ärme kaldu teemast kõrvale!!


                      Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                      A guy invited his friend for lunch.
                      saying to his wife
                      \"honey..plz can u get us some water\"
                      \"sweetheart..can we have some salt\"
                      the friend wondered \"thats wierd..u have been married for 12 years and u still in love with her and call her sweetheart\"
                      the guy said \" dude...i forgot her name\"


                      A guy bought a dish \"for sattelite\" fixed it on roof but he didnt want it to get stolen- so he told everyone that he bought a really bad dog and put it on roof.
                      two curious guys wanted to have a look
                      so one said \"ok i will go\". After a while the first came back running very frightend , second guy asked \"did u see it\"
                      first \" no ...but i have seen its food dish!!!


                      a feminist meeting with women from every where...the dicided ENOUGH!! men have to help in home ...cooking...iron etc
                      american wife said \"i talked to my husband...first day and didnt see any progressiong,second day didnt see any progression...third day he started to help!\"
                      french wife \"i talked to my husband...first day and didnt see any progressiong,second day didnt see any progression...third day he started to help!\"
                      Egyptian wife \"to my husband...first day and didnt see any progressiong,second day didnt see any progression...third day i started to see with my right eye\"


                      a cannibal family- the dad, mommy and son...dad and son went for hunting...son saw a skinny guy said \"dad dad!! we catch him then eat him\"
                      dad \"no idiot...he is so skinny\"
                      after a while a very fat guy passed
                      son \"dad dad!! we catch him then eat him\"
                      dad \"no idiot...to much fats are to bad for health\"
                      then a girl showed up
                      son \"dad dad!! we catch her then eat her\"
                      dad \"no idiot...we catch her and eat ur mom\"
                      Lootus sureb viimasena, ütles usk ja tappis armastuse.

                      My spell checking is second to nine!


                        Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                        Rubriigist \'Punk\'d in radio\' ehk Rangersi fänn aetakse pisut ropendama.

                        We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.


                          Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                          Kumb on suurem - juudi nina või rahakott?



                            Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                            Algselt postitas fitti

                            Rubriigist \'Punk\'d in radio\' ehk Rangersi fänn aetakse pisut ropendama.

                            hahahahahaahahahaha ma armastan sotlasi


                              Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                              Algselt postitas fitti

                              Rubriigist \'Punk\'d in radio\' ehk Rangersi fänn aetakse pisut ropendama.

                              väga hea.. cheers pal for that..


                                Vastus teemale \'Veits nalja\'

                                Improve your English
                                We have to disorganise their organisation so we have to be very creative.

