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    mida ma näen. pärast seda kui spursi fännidega on liitumas miljoneid tüdrukuid, ilmuvad mingid nohikud a*senali foorumist (kus ei ole veel siiamaani naisolevust nähtud) siia kalambuuritsema
    sleep pane ise oma pilt üles, mille oleg ja toivo sust pride paraadil tegid.


      Algselt postitas muurek Vaata postitust
      sleep pane ise oma pilt üles, mille oleg ja toivo sust pride paraadil tegid.
      eks neid pilte koos lipuga ja ilma ole omajagu siin foorumis aastate jooksul üleval olnud ka. ehk kui tung kole suur, sukeldu annaalidesse.


        uhh, õnneks ühe n-ga. tänud sellegi eest.
        hetkel ei tunne õnneks kole suurt tungi keskealiste eesti meeste pilte veebist otsida.


          The Club is delighted to announce that Ledley King has signed a new contract that will see him at White Hart Lane until 2012.
          Our Club captain, currently preparing to head off on England duty after being named in the provisional squad for the World Cup finals in South Africa, began his career at the Club having graduated through our Academy and turned professional in July 1998.
          The 29-year-old has since made 290 First Team appearances in our colours and was skipper of the side that won the Carling Cup in 2008 and reached the final the following year. His 20 appearances this season helped steer the team towards a highest Premier League finish and a Champions League qualification tie at the beginning of next season.
          Ledley said: "I am delighted to have signed a new contract with Spurs. I have been here since I was a schoolboy and I could never see myself going anywhere else. This is where I want to continue playing my football.
          "We've got the prospect of Champions League football to look forward to next season and with the quality of players we have I believe we are on the brink of something big.
          "It is an exciting time for the Club with a new training ground being built and plans for a new stadium.
          "I am enjoying my football and I want to be a part of what is happening here."
          "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


            Ja nüüd kõik koos Twitterisse!

            Minu nimi on jyriöö, aga sõbrad kutsuvad mind tavaliselt külla.


              ...bits of Darren Anderton...
              Hello! I´m mentaly ill.


                The Club is delighted to announce that Luka Modric has signed a new six-year contract which runs until 2016.
                Speaking about his new contract and future ambitions, Luka said, "Tottenham Hotspur gave me my chance in the Premier League and I want to go on to achieve great success here with them. Yes, there have been enquiries from other big clubs, but I have no interest in going anywhere. Last season's Top 4 finish was an indication of where we are as a Club and I feel I can continue to improve and go on to achieve everything I want to at Spurs."
                The Croatia midfielder arrived at White Hart Lane from Dinamo Zagreb in July, 2008 on the back of a starring role with his country in the European Championships and having played a big part in Dinamo's three successive league title triumphs.
                The 24-year-old playmaker has gone on to establish himself as a key player in Harry Redknapp's side with impressive displays on the left flank and in central midfield, clocking up a total of 77 appearances in our colours and scoring eight times including a memorable winner against Chelsea at the Lane in March 2009.
                "The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It’s nothing of the kind. The game is about glory. It’s about doing things in style, with a flourish, about going out and beating the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom". - Danny Blanchflower, legend


                  Super uudis millega alustada uut nädalat

                  Kahju lausa, et ManU ega Chelsea soov ei täitunud


                    See on tõesti hea uudis!

                    Nüüd võiks Huntelaari ka endale saada..


                      Algselt postitas cyhton Vaata postitust
                      See on tõesti hea uudis!

                      Nüüd võiks Huntelaari ka endale saada..
                      Crouch, Defoe, venku ei ole piisav ründejõud? Keane ka tagasi.


                        Keane hakkab vanaks jääma, pole enam sellist sära sees tal.
                        Defoe hooaja lõpp oli täitsa jube.
                        Crouch on hea aga ta pole just kõige kiirem.

                        Seega olekski vaja ühte kiiret ja tehnilist ründajat juurde.. ja Huntelaar oleks hea valik.


                          Algselt postitas cyhton Vaata postitust
                          Keane hakkab vanaks jääma, pole enam sellist sära sees tal.
                          Defoe hooaja lõpp oli täitsa jube.
                          Crouch on hea aga ta pole just kõige kiirem.

                          Seega olekski vaja ühte kiiret ja tehnilist ründajat juurde.. ja Huntelaar oleks hea valik.
                          Aga Eidur?


                            Oli laenul Monacost.


                              Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
                              Oli laenul Monacost.
                              Arry oli sillas ja tahtis tagasi ju!


                                Algselt postitas cyhton Vaata postitust

                                Seega olekski vaja ühte kiiret ja tehnilist ründajat juurde.. ja Huntelaar oleks hea valik.
                                Ma ei iseloomustaks Huntelaari kumbagi sinu poolt nimetatud omadusega. Ja vaadates, kui õnnetu ta kaks viimast aastat värava ees on olnud, siis ei oleks tegu kõige riskivabama ostuga. Ja arvestades, kuidas 'arryle ikka meeldib juba varem pruugitud kaupa ikka ja jälle kasutada, siis kahtlen, kas ta on valmis hollandlase eest raha välja laduma.

