Kui see on sinu esimene külastus, siis palun tutvu korduma kippuvate küsimustega. Selleks, et teha postitusi, tuleb Sul end kasutajaks registreerida. Postitusi saad lugeda ka ilma registreerimata.
Liverpool midfielder Yossi Benayoun has caused a combination of outrage and shock on Merseyside by an apparent public declaration that he wants to quit Anfield for Stamford Bridge.
Šokk on see, et ainult 6 milli. 2009/10 hooajal sama sitt kui enamus tiimist. Ja karta on, et nooremaks ta ei lähe.
Suutsid ise tublisti välja tuua põhjused, miks sellise mehe eest väga palju raha ei saa. 30 aastane, mitte väga särav hooaeg ning kindlaks põhikoosseisu meheks pole ta seal vist kerkinudki. Samas teravust tal on ning paar aastat kõrgel tasemel ta veel mängida suudaks.
Fabio Aurelio maandub kusagil uues klubis, kuna pakutud leping (plekk vastavalt tujule) ei sobinud.
Emotsionaalselt kahju, kuid mida sa mehega ikka teed, kui (haigla)voodihaigus küljes on.
BBC, Sport, BBC Sport, bbc.co.uk, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service
see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled
"joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"
"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."
Hästi sooritas karistuslööke, kuid arvan, et järgmine hooaeg oleks Insua kindel esimene vasakul kaitses. Peale Insua polegi meil siis enam kedagi vasakule panna, heal juhul Agger ainult.
Ilma vutita olla ei saa, vajan, kui õhku ma
Ei tohi koju küll jääda sa, kui mängib Tammeka
David Mooresi avalik kiri.
Sõnum jänkidele järgmine:
Giving them that benefit of the doubt - that they started off with grand ideals that they were never realistically going to achieve - I call upon them now to stand back, accept their limitations as joint owners of Liverpool Football Club, acknowledge their role in the club‘s current demise, and stand aside, with dignity, to allow someone else to take up the challenge. Don’t punish the club’s supporters any more - God knows they’ve taken enough. Take an offer, be realistic over the price, make it possible. Let the club go. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to concede for the greater good.
the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire
Lahti lastud: Christopher Oldfield, Robbie Threlfall, Fabio Aurelio, David Martin.
Uus leping sõlmitud kuni 2012: Dean Bouzanis.
Uut lepingut pakutud: David Amoo, Sean Highdale, Steven Irwin, Alex Kacaniklic ja Andras Simon.
the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire
"We have no intention of selling any of our top players and we have a substantial transfer budget in place. There's so much misinformation about transfer spending.
It's more than doubled under the ownership of George and myself from the previous three years and we will make a significant investment this summer. It's really about getting the right players."
...ja veel lõpetuseks veel 2 lauset, mida peatreener hooaja jooksul kindlalt lubas ja mida on raske unustada :
"If Torres goes, I'll go !" (If they sell Torres, I'll leave the club!)
"I'll guarantee 4th place spot for Liverpool in the league."