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    Algselt postitas marv3llous Vaata postitust
    +Martinelli super soolo mis läks napilt mööda.
    Victoria Concordia Crescit


      The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you.


        Spanish midfielder is moving to north London from Real Madrid for the 2019/20 season

        Victoria Concordia Crescit


          Highly-rated defender will spend a season back on loan at Saint-Etienne before linking up with us next summer

          Victoria Concordia Crescit


            Mesut Ozil was seen by alarmed members of the public racing along Golders Green Road in his black Mercedes G-Class SUV, pursued by assailants on motorbikes.



              Täiesti kreisi värk.

              Victoria Concordia Crescit


                sellele mehele peab uue lepingu andma!

                But as the knife-wielding thugs set upon the car Ozil's Arsenal teammate Sead Kolašinac - nicknamed 'The Tank' - leapt out the car and bravely took on the gang as Ozil ran into a nearby restaurant.


                  Hull vana jah. Ise oleks pigem auto uksed lukku vajutanud . Hea et kõik terveks jäid autos olijatest.


                    Algselt postitas j6u1uv4n4 Vaata postitust
                    sellele mehele peab uue lepingu andma!

                    But as the knife-wielding thugs set upon the car Ozil's Arsenal teammate Sead Kolašinac - nicknamed 'The Tank' - leapt out the car and bravely took on the gang as Ozil ran into a nearby restaurant.
                    'I saw him disappear into the restaurant with the motorcycle guys on his tail.

                    No see ei kõla nagu carjacking enam, kui taga aeti ...
                    Victoria Concordia Crescit


                      Algselt postitas marv3llous Vaata postitust
                      'I saw him disappear into the restaurant with the motorcycle guys on his tail.

                      No see ei kõla nagu carjacking enam, kui taga aeti ...
                      Noh nüüd savad kõik Kolasinaci nõod tööd Mesuti turvadena. Einoh hull värk, kas oligi Mesut konkreetselt sihikul?


                        Kolašinac tweetis ja siis kustutas:

                        Täiesti pöörane ikka.


                          Algselt postitas malagar Vaata postitust
                          Hull vana jah. Ise oleks pigem auto uksed lukku vajutanud . Hea et kõik terveks jäid autos olijatest.
                          Tegelt olekski vaja natuke detailsemat kirjeldust ja CCTVd üldse - väga arusaamatu hetkel mis toimus. Mopeedid "boxisid" suure 4x4'i kinni? Miks Kola pidi autost välja hüppama ja molli hakkama kütma, uste lukustamise ja gaasi vajutamise asemel?
                          Victoria Concordia Crescit


                            Ja kui ta nüüd väljakul ka sama entusiastlikult kaitsmisesse suhtuks, eks ole.


                              Algselt postitas marv3llous Vaata postitust
                              Tegelt olekski vaja natuke detailsemat kirjeldust ja CCTVd üldse - väga arusaamatu hetkel mis toimus. Mopeedid "boxisid" suure 4x4'i kinni? Miks Kola pidi autost välja hüppama ja molli hakkama kütma, uste lukustamise ja gaasi vajutamise asemel?
                              Veider jah. Ju vana on lihtsalt hull, või muretses Özil auto värvi pärast.


                                Sead põrkas samamoodi nagu iga teine Eesti lõvi peale neljandat Rocki

