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    Algselt postitas Soldier Vaata postitust
    Paolo talked to Gazzetta, here's the full interview, I translated it from Arabic so pardon my mistakes:
    "Paolo Maldini, what happened on Sunday was truly surprising"
    Of course. A person thinks he has seen everything, and then...

    "You Feel Bitter?"
    It was an amazing Sunday. Very beautiful at its beginning, with the stadium being full. It was great, but after that 100-200 people whom I couldn't ignore and pass by silently. I was wrong when I reacted to "those fans" in an instinct (Proper Use?) way and with several bad words.I am ready to take responsibility for my actions. My reaction was against something that had been planned, they had prepared for this and they thought I can't reply. Unfortunately, that's Italian football.

    "You don't have a great relationship with the Ultras"
    That's true. I never tried to bond with them, but I never ignored them either. I always thought in my power, and that I need to deserve everything I get, Inside the pitch: I have the respect of my fans and the the world-wide football fans. because of my last name, I have always tried to develop myself. I never thought that someone will give me something, but I always thought I have to everything by myself.

    "Then why do several players have a special relationship with the Curva?"
    They get close to them to feel safer. So that they [Ultras] would write songs for them and hold up signs for them. But you know who back-ed my beliefs? Franco Baresi. he said: Do everything on the football field, and never look for help from the outside. And after 6 months from becoming a Captain they started a challenge: Maldini you don't deserve to be a Captain".

    "But, Exactly what happened between you and the ultras?"
    From what some of them said on television that I described them that they are [Couldn't get the translation for the word, Sorry], but that's a word I don't have in my dictionary. In 2005, when we came back from the Istanbul Final, in the airports some guys around the age of 20 came to me telling me that I have to apologize to them. What?? I have played football for 20 years, and I have to apologize to a small kid after a final which we dominated but lost in a really weird way(Not sure of the Choice of words)?Are they crazy?

    “The Other Incident”
    In the Super-European Cup in 2007 when we played against Sevilla, the Curva were silent trying to “beat” the other fans that were cheering for us. I don’t know what forced to cheer, Money or Power?. And in an interview for me I said that the San Siro used to be a magical stadium, but now it is starting to lose its magic. One of the Ultra leaders, Giancarlo, said that I called him to apologize. I don’t even have his phone number. We clarified things all day long, I met them on the road and it was a calm talk.

    “After what happened, is it time for clarification one more time?”
    My opinion is the same; I have nothing to clarify for anyone.

    “Will you accept an apology?”
    For pathetic (Choice?), I don’t want an apology.

    “What letter did amaze you the most from all the supporting letters you received?”
    I will put away those that came from my family and the club. I read like a 100 messages so I will not only take one. Platini sent me a letter before the match, Fre told me he will do a party for me on Sunday, Di Biazi the coach that I know a little bit, Chero Ferrara also, Fiorello Interista and after that there’s Stevano borjinovo, mingin, pancaro, Javier Zanetti, Serena, Albertini…but there were crazy messages.

    “What are they?”
    The banner that the Inter Ultras gave me, in comparison to the banner that the Milan Ultras gave me.

    “Is it right that you had a fight with Leonardo?”
    That’s ridiculous. He told me in my ear you (I couldn’t translate this world also, it made no sense) I replied that I never thought of that, and a man stays a man till the very end. When they told us that we have a fight, we looked at each other and started laughing.

    “Paolo, do you still feel bitter?”
    Despite 48 passing, the club is yet to take any step. Milan should have said that that was unacceptable, but they didn’t do that.

    “Who is responsible for that, Belusconi? Galliani?”
    The president I only saw for 1 minute, Galliani manages the basics...it was enough for anyone of the directors to comment about it, I was thinking an Offical Press Conference(something like that) would be enough.

    Between “ “ Are the question asked, between the ( ) are my comments.
    Good interview, only I wished he didn’t mention the Inter Ultras part
    Again sorry for some of the bad translations, but it wasn’t the bets of Arabic translation they had done..
    jokers to the right
    clowns to the left of me


      Algselt postitas Saarlane Vaata postitust
      Berlusconi kutsus CLi finaali järel poodiumil Pep Guardiolat uueks treeneriks. Saame näha...
      Barcal on nii tugev koosseis, et Guardiola on loll, kui astub minema tiimi eesotsast, millega ikka kõvasti veel kulda ja karda tõenäoline võita. Barcas ta ju suur osa oma elust sporti teinud ja oleks äärmiselt tobe sealt pärast paari aastat treeneritööd minema astuda. Muidugi räägitakse, et raha eest saab kõike, aga mulle tundub, et siin ei peaks olema küsimus väga rahas.
      May the Violet flag flutter in the wind on all fields of challenge and valour, a vivid hope is our solace, we have eleven athletes and one heart. Go, Fiorentina, we want you to be the queen of all teams, go, Fiorentina, fight with bravery and prowess everywhere! In any hour of dismay and victory, remember you're the history of football!


        No milleks oli Gourcuff vaja maha müüa .Tra Galliani on ikka täielik kitsi lohh.


          Nagu sain aru, siis klausel oli laenulepinguga juba kokku lepitud. Nii et Milan pidi lihtsalt leppima selle summaga, mis Bordeaux pakkus. Ma küll ei kujuta ette, mida sügisel arvati - et mehest ei arene tõepoolest mitte midagi ning prantslased ei suuda seda 15 miljonit eurot kokku koguda. Eks näis, kas tehakse ka selle rahaga midagi. Samas võib Berlusconi selle suurte palgarahade väljamaksmise eest ka oma tasku pista.


            Kui Milan oleks reaalselt Gourcuffi tahtnud,siis võinuks lihtsalt Gourcuff nõusse rääkida ja kõik oleks olnudki korras.Päris suur osa süüst langeb Ancelotti õlgadele,kuna see tropp oleks nagunii toppinud Seedorfi algu ja oleks jätnud Gourcuffi pingile mädanema.


              Algselt postitas Milanista Vaata postitust
              lihtsalt Gourcuff nõusse rääkida ja kõik oleks olnudki korras.
              kuidas see oleks saanud käia lihtsalt, kui ...

              Algselt postitas Milanista Vaata postitust

              Päris suur osa süüst langeb Ancelotti õlgadele,kuna see tropp oleks nagunii toppinud Seedorfi algu ja oleks jätnud Gourcuffi pingile mädanema.
              jokers to the right
              clowns to the left of me


                Ma küll ei mäleta, et Milani fännid oleks enam oodanud, et Gourcuff niimoodi õide puhkeb. Ma usun, et igaüks teist oleks hea meelega sellise laenudiili teinud. Ja seda, et Bordeaux suudab ja tahab 15 milli lauale panna on iseenesest juba über suur üllatus. Millal üldse Prantsusmaa klubid maksid viimati mõne mängija eest nii palju? Väga tihti seda just ei juhtu.


                  Algselt postitas eika Vaata postitust
                  Ma küll ei mäleta, et Milani fännid oleks enam oodanud, et Gourcuff niimoodi õide puhkeb. Ma usun, et igaüks teist oleks hea meelega sellise laenudiili teinud. Ja seda, et Bordeaux suudab ja tahab 15 milli lauale panna on iseenesest juba über suur üllatus. Millal üldse Prantsusmaa klubid maksid viimati mõne mängija eest nii palju? Väga tihti seda just ei juhtu.
                  Lyon ja Marseille suudavad ka sellised summasi välja käia ja aravatavasti sarnase tehingu juures oleks ka käinud. Olgem ausad, kui Gourcuff jätkab samas vaimus on mehe hind aasta-kahega vähemalt kahekordne, seega peaks vägagi tulus tehing Bordeaux'le olema.


                    Suutmine suutmiseks, aga Prantsusmaa klubid pole just väga tihti nii kõrge hinnaga tehinguid teinud ja eks seetõttu pandi ka selline klausel lepingusse arvates, et nagunii Bordeaux ei maksa.


                      Ja üleüldse pole Gourcuff Milani masti mees. Juninhol ju lõppes leping, küllap ta tiimi meelitatakse. Toni veel ründesse ja Panucci kaitset kindlustama ning küll need tiitlid tulevad.


                        eika arvates võiks siis vanadekodu laiendada kolme "noorusliku" mängijaga..

                        Toetagem 6+5 ja alla 18. aastaste transferide keelustamist. Väärtustagem jalgpalli, mitte raha.

                        Parim laul


                          uskumatu vend. Dr Jasper?


                            Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
                            uskumatu vend. Dr Jasper?
                            kes? flameas? seal ei aita ussi- ega püssirohi. kui, siis totti pisarad:
                            jokers to the right
                            clowns to the left of me


                              Täna kell 16:00 võõrsil Fiorentinaga. Hooaja viimane mäng. Võimalus automaatselt Meistrite Ligasse pääseda, kui võidetakse ning Juve kaotab/viigistab või kui viigistatakse ning Juve kaotab. Kohtumine on viimaseks Maldinile.

                              MILANI koosseis:

                              Väravavahid: Dida, Kalac, Perucchini
                              Kaitsjad: Antonini, Darmian, Favalli, Jankulovski, Maldini, Nesta, Senderos, Zambrotta
                              Poolkaitsjad: Beckham, Flamini, Gattuso, Pirlo
                              Ründajad: Seedorf, Inzaghi, Kakà, Shevchenko, Ronaldinho, Pato.
                              Vigastatud/mängukeeld: Abbiati, Bonera, Kaladze, Ambrosini, Cardacio, Borriello, Viudez.
                              Puuduvad: Mattioni

                              Eeldan algkoosseisuks:

                              Zambro, Favalli, Maldini, Janku
                              Becks, Pirlo, Flamini
                              Seedorf, Kaka

                              Carlito kahtleb enda sõnul Becksi-Gattuso ja Pato-Pippo vahel. Eks näis, mis jama lõpuks kokku keeratakse.

                              FIORENTINA paneb vastu järgmised mehed:

                              Koosseisus: Comotto, Donadel, Frey, Gamberini, Gilardino, Gobbi, Jorgensen, Jovetic, Kroldrup, Kuzmanovic, Maritato, Mazuch, Montolivo, Pasqual, Semioli, Storari, Tagliani, Vargase Zauri.
                              Vigastatud: Almiron, Bonazzoli, Mutu and Santana


                                Algselt postitas Saarlane Vaata postitust
                                Täna kell 16:00 võõrsil Fiorentinaga. Hooaja viimane mäng. Võimalus automaatselt Meistrite Ligasse pääseda, kui võidetakse ning Juve kaotab/viigistab või kui viigistatakse ning Juve kaotab.
                                Kui viigistatakse, siis igal juhul edestate ju Fiorentinat ja pääsete 3 hulka. Ainukene küsimus on selles, et kui te kaotate siis on omavahelised mängud Fiorentinaga. Või kui Juve ka kaotab, siis on surnud ring. Niiet vaata kolme meeskonna omavahelised mängud üle parem. Mingi kaotus vist isegi peaks teid päästma minu meelest.

