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    Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
    SuperPippo CL-i nimekirja ei mahtunud. Kes siis kastanid tulest välja toob? http://football-italia.net/sep2e.html
    Jah, ainuke vend , kes äkki , kogemata , kuidagi barca vastu ära laksiks tühja koha pealt...Kas Allegri tahab fännidega juba nii varakult tülli minna? Muidugi ei ole Pippo juba ammu põhimees, aga Euroopas on ta vaieldamatu jokker pingilt võtta. Kogemuste vastu ikka ei saa. Kahju...
    FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


      Ma lugesin, et Pippo ise selle otsuse peale vihane ja võib oma kunagise noorusaja klubiga ühineda jaanuaris (Atalanta). Praeguse põhjal on Atalanta paljude arust üks 3-st kes viimase 3 sekka jõuab hooaja lõpuks. Äkki oleks targem siis juba lõpetada? Eks kosilasi leiaks serie a-st ehk ka tugevamate meeskondade seast?


        Allegri keeras asja nüüd puhta p...se jah,ei tea mida ta mõtles. Tulevik tundub praegu üsna tume. Ei tea kas hakata nüüd lemmikklubi üle kümne aasta vahetama või mis. Kõik sõltub nüüd,mis otsuse Pippo ise vastu võtab või kuidas need lood lahenevad.
        Igaljuhul Allegri s...us ennast minu silmis nii täis kui vähegi võimalik. Siiamaani oli täielik "respect".


          ...ja ma arvan et,ma miskipärast ei ole ainuke,kes niimoodi mõtleb ja tunneb praegu.


            JUST DO IT.


              Ei tee see Pippo teil enam tilligi. Allegri on see kutt kes kõige kõige lähemalt näeb.
              Kas oma esimese liigamängu kaotust siis tuleb Ibra ka väljakul tunnistama? Või siiski vigane ja vaatab publiku seast kuidas Klose-Cisse hävitustööd teevad?
              Aga loodame siis, et staadion on täis nagu Inglismaal tavaliselt.
              Lazio pole ilani 12 pikka aastat suutnud San Sirol võita....kas krt nüüd lõpuks saadakse hakkama.
              Daje Lazio!!!!
              1.totti koondisesse.
              2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
              3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
              "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                Taiwo endiselt vigastatud või on lootus teda vanade meeskonnakaaslaste Cana ja Djibrile vastu reedel mängimas näha?


                  Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                  Lazio pole ilani 12 pikka aastat suutnud San Sirol võita....kas krt nüüd lõpuks saadakse hakkama.
                  Daje Lazio!!!!
                  Coppa Italias 2008/2009 kobistasite lisaajal ära San Sirol. 12 aastat pole liigas suutnud Milani liigamängus alistada. Viimane Serie A raames toimunud mäng San Siro, mille Lazio võitis, on enam kui 20 aasta taga.

                  Opta Sports
                  26 - AC Milan are unbeaten in the last 26 league games vs Lazio; the Biancocelesti’s last win came back in 1998 (2-1). Countdown


                  They’ll need to shatter a taboo, though, as Lazio haven’t conquered San Siro in Serie A since a 1-0 result on September 3, 1989.


                  jokers to the right
                  clowns to the left of me


                    Algselt postitas Mask Vaata postitust
                    Taiwo endiselt vigastatud või on lootus teda vanade meeskonnakaaslaste Cana ja Djibrile vastu reedel mängimas näha?
                    Homme veel ei näe:

                    MILANO - Ecco la lista dei convocati per Milan-Lazio, in programma domani sera alle 20.45 a San Siro:

                    Abbiati, Amelia, Roma, Abate, Antonini, Bonera, Nesta, Thiago Silva, Yepes, Ambrosini, Aquilani, Kevin Prince Boateng, Emanuelson, Gattuso, Nocerino, Van Bommel, Cassano, El Shaarawy, Ibrahimovic e Pato.


                    -e- Laura Esposto
                    #Taiwo yesterday soft run in Milanello he needs at least another 10 days"@Joey_Forzamilan: @LauraEsposto News about Taiwo ??"

                    Aga loodetavasti varsti:

                    Here’s what coach Massimiliano Allegri had to say on the eve of Milan-Lazio.

                    MILANELLO – In the press room today here’s what the coach told the gathered journalists: We just have to focus on tomorrow’s game. From Saturday on, we can think of Barcelona. Tomorrow’s game will be tough as it’s the opening game and we haven’t played for a while. The difficult thing will be to have the right mental approach. Luckily some of our players were away with their national sides and this is a good thing. Tomorrow will be a tough game and a very important one. We’ll have to play it as best we can mentally and physically. I believe that when you start your preparations, there are certain dates that you work on. It would have been easier to start with Cagliari bacause that was what we worked on. But you have to adapt and we’re ready. Lazio will be fighting for the title, they're a strong side and like us they’ve been playing together for a year. Klose and Cisse will bring something new to the team. They’ll come here tomorrow and I expect an open game. I don’t think they’ll play mainly in their own half as they did last season and so I expect a good game. Milan? The club has bought in important players where they were needed. Mexes will be ready to play soon. Taiwo is doing well, El Shaarawy has talent and then there are also Aquilani and Nocerino. I’m happy with the signings, especially in these economically difficult times when the president could easily have thought about selling some big players. Instead, he brought players in and this is important. Tomorrow’s game is the most important game from here to December. Even if it’s the first game, it’ll condition our games against Barcelona and Napoli. We’re favorites on paper, there’s no getting around that. But on paper is one thing and on the pitch is another. The team is more motivated than last year. The players want to show that everything that happened last year was down to hard work and a desire to win. Aquilani and Nocerino are both available and one of them could play from the start. Nocerino comes from a team that plays in a certain way so putting him in the team will be easy.

                    Still Allegri: The game against Spain was good for Cassano’s morale. Everyone comes to training here to prove themselves every day. I’m happy that he’s in good shape. Inzaghi? I talked to him again the day after he was left out of the team list and I repeated what I had told him over the phone. I was more dissapointed than anyone but I had to make certain valutations and I believe the choices I make are for the good of the team. His place in the history of the club is assured and I’m sure that come Janury he’ll have his chance to get back on the Champions League list. Robinho? He’s had a setback and didn’t join up with the national side. I’ll make my decision this evening but I don’t think he’ll be available tomorrow. After Lazio we’ll have an extra day to think about Barcelona. The club? They’ve worked well by bringing in two internationals. El Shaarawy will be on the bench Tomorrow, he’s still learning and I’m very happy with him. Ibra will play. Aquilani? He and Pirlo have different characteristics. Pirlo was 10 years at Milan and he won a lot. Aquilani just got here and wants to show that he’s a Milan level player. The formation? Two or three players will change between tomorrow and Barcelona. Antonini and Zambrotta are doubtful. I’ll have to decide on Zambrotta’s knee later and Antonini pulled up in training the other day. The team has worked well up until today, we’ll have to be ready mentally tomorrow. It won’t be easy but we’ll have to do it. It’s a really important game for the rest of the championship. I’m underlining this because we haven’t played for a while and also because there’s Barcelona coming up. Tomorrow there’s Lazio and that’s what we have to think about. We won’t fly to Spain until Monday. If we don’t beat Lazio then that’ll be on our minds when we should be focusing on Barcelona.


                    Ka Cana jääb eemale:

                    MILANO - Il sito ufficiale della Lazio riporta la lista dei 20 convocati da Edy Reja per la sfida Milan-Lazio di domani alle 20.45 a San Siro:
                    Berardi, Bizzarri, Carrizo; Biava, Diakitè, Dias, Konko, Lulic, Stankevicius, Zauri; Brocchi, Gonzalez, Hernanes, Ledesma, Matuzalem, Mauri; Cisse, Klose, Kozak, Rocchi.

                    jokers to the right
                    clowns to the left of me


                      Algselt postitas superpippo Vaata postitust
                      ...ja ma arvan et,ma miskipärast ei ole ainuke,kes niimoodi mõtleb ja tunneb praegu.
                      Allegri on kogu aeg pauk olnud.Pippo on juba ammu mu suur lemmik ja Allegrit ma ei kannata nüüd veel enam.
                      Mingi lambi kolhoosi-esimees juhatab vägesid


                        jokers to the right
                        clowns to the left of me


                          Tean, et karikas võitsime veel isegi hiljuti aga ma mõtlesin jah liigat.
                          Homme on see päev.
                          Loodan, et jõuan ikka 9. õhtul koju. Pean jõudma.
                          1.totti koondisesse.
                          2.Money talks bullshit(totti) walks.
                          3."Miks mind feminiinseks peetakse"-F.Totti
                          "Kui Tottil oleks mu*nn oleks ta mees"-George W. Bush


                            Uuu aka "600 euri Lazio hooaja võidu peale panustan" , kui ikka sama kõrge lend on, siis täna on sinu päev. See et härrad Klose või preili Sissy värava löövad on üle 4. midagi. Küta aga täiega. Mul naabrimees peaaegu küttis.
                            Muidu ootan avamängust palju väravaid, kaitse ei pea kummalgi, aga Bilan ja Nazio peaks siin kõva 3:3 viigi kütma. Ilusaid elamusi!
                            FORZA ITALIA FORZA ROMA - "A Scudetto in Rome is worth a thousand elsewhere."


                              Algselt postitas count Vaata postitust
                              Muidu ootan avamängust palju väravaid,kaitse ei pea kummalgi aga Bilan ja Nazio peaks siin kõva 3:3 viigi kütma. Ilusaid elamusi!
                              Vähem mürgiseid seeni ja bocki tuleb sulle ainult kasuks pikas perspektiivis, noor gladiaator.


                                Algselt postitas Uuu Vaata postitust
                                Ei tee see Pippo teil enam tilligi. Allegri on see kutt kes kõige kõige lähemalt näeb.
                                Kas oma esimese liigamängu kaotust siis tuleb Ibra ka väljakul tunnistama? Või siiski vigane ja vaatab publiku seast kuidas Klose-Cisse hävitustööd teevad?
                                Aga loodame siis, et staadion on täis nagu Inglismaal tavaliselt.
                                Lazio pole ilani 12 pikka aastat suutnud San Sirol võita....kas krt nüüd lõpuks saadakse hakkama.
                                Daje Lazio!!!!
                                Kuule mees!!! Võta nüüd natuke vaiksemalt. Ma saan aru küll: sul kade meel,et teil pole kunagi nii suurt ässa ja sümpaatset kuju ründes olnud(välja arvatud S.Inzaghi-väikeste mööndustega muidugi). Aga sellegipoolest pole siin vaja niimoodi plõksida.

