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AC Milan

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    Algselt postitas jaamu
    Kahes kohas sama pilt ja ikka ei tööta.


      Nii näeb jah, aga hommikul ei näinud ka mozillaga.


        'Pool küll üritas veidi rohkem, aga mingeid surmkindlaid võimalusi ei suutnud tekitada. Kuna 2005 oli inglastel rohkem õnne, siis oleks asi justkui õiglane.
        Rolf Rüssmann: Wenn wir hier nicht gewinnen, dann treten wir ihnen wenigstens den Rasen kaputt.


          Õnnitlused ka minu poolt. Aga siiski...

          "Ancelotti pidas Itaalia jalgpalli maine jaoks võitu väga tähtsaks"

          Minu silmis jätkas küll Itaalia jalgpalli maine sellist langevat kurssi, sest seegikord olid mitmed mängijad otse teatrikoolist vist tulnud.
          20 LEGEND


            Algselt postitas vtp Vaata postitust
            Õnnitlused ka minu poolt. Aga siiski...

            "Ancelotti pidas Itaalia jalgpalli maine jaoks võitu väga tähtsaks"

            Minu silmis jätkas küll Itaalia jalgpalli maine sellist langevat kurssi, sest seegikord olid mitmed mängijad otse teatrikoolist vist tulnud.
            huvitav, ma just kiidaks spagette, et nad mingit massilist lavaka sisseastumiskatseid ei viljelenud.
            see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

            "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

            "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


              Algselt postitas Daz Booob Vaata postitust
              see taktita jutt on sul küll õhust võetud kulla inimene.
              Ma mõtlesin selle all teist poolaega. Liverpool proovis väravat lüüa vaid kolme mehega- äärelt tsenderdaja (enamasti oli selleks maailma kõige sitem tsenderdaja Pennant, Zenden ja Kewell ei saanud tsenderdadagi), siis karistusala joonel olev Gerrard ja kuskil karistusalas kolme mehe vahel olev Kuyt. Loogiline, et niimoodi ühtegi ohtlikku olukorda ei tule. Alles Crouchi liiga hiline sissetulek muutis olukorda. Samas Milan suutis mängu teha ilusti kompatseks, ega Liverpoolil polnud ühtegi väga head väravavõimalust (ehk vaid Gerrardi 1-1 olukord välja arvata)


                Taktikaliselt annaks mina võidu Benitezele. Ta suutis ära lõhkuda Milani build-upi ning meie jäime sõltuma üksikutest olukordadest. Aga, kus Benitez pani mööda näitas Ancelotti geniaalsust. Ründeliinis oleks Crouchil kindlasti olnud häid võimalusi tsenderdusi evida, kuid sissetulek jäi hiljaks. Ancelotti uskus, aga vanasse heasse Pipposse, kes nagu alati näitas null triblamisoskust, suutis vaevu leida ruumi kaitsjate vahel ning ei suutnud isegi vigu välja meelitada. Aga, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." ja agent 009 surmas järjekordse mängu.

                Algselt postitas FootballHeaven
                Second Half Analysis


                Post Match Rafa Benitez Interview


                Post Match Seedorf Interview


                Post Match Comp

                Algselt postitas Nielz
                Medals + Trophy Presentation + Celebrations
                160 MB - 9.11 Minutes
                Algselt postitas fred54
                Full match torrent:

                AC Milan V Liverpool
                UEFA Champions League final 06/07
                Wedneday 23rd May 2007
                ITV Coverage

                Capture type: DVB-T (PDTV)
                Video: XVID 640x352
                Audio: MP3 VBR

                HERE OR HERE OR HERE


                Algselt postitas FootballHeaven
                UEFA Champions League Final: AC Milan vs Liverpool

                Capped from ITV Television in England

                ITV Pre Match Comp - Clive Owen - AC Milan vs Liverpool - The Return


                AC Milan And Liverpool's UCL History


                A Look Back At The Brazilian Genius; Kaka


                Players Coming Out - UCL Final


                AC Milan 1 - 0 Liverpool - Inzaghi

                DailyMotion | SendSpace

                Half-Time Analysis - AC Milan vs Liverpool


                AC Milan 2 - 0 Liverpool - Inzaghi

                DailyMotion | SendSpace

                AC Milan 2 - 1 Liverpool - Kuyt

                DailyMotion | SendSpace

                Post Match Celebrations

                DailyMotion | SendSpace

                Trophy Presentation - AC Milan - UCL 2007 Champions


                Silver, miks selline sucker-punch msn-is? Pippo on ju endine Juventino!
                jokers to the right
                clowns to the left of me


                  Algselt postitas Jasper Vaata postitust
                  Taktikaliselt annaks mina võidu Benitezele.
                  Minu pessimism võib seotud olla ka sellega, et ma ootasin Benitezilit mingit geniaalselt lüket terve mängu, aga mida ei tulnud, seda ei tulnud.


                    Üks ilus compilation ITV poolt Bob Dylani saatel.

                    Ja peakangelasest:

                    “He can’t actually play football… He just always seems to be in the right place”

                    May 24th, 2007

                    Filippo Inzaghi played the “Roy of the Rovers” role last night. The record books say he scored both goals in a 2-1 win and was voted Man of the Match. He probably won’t have to buy an espresso in Milan for the rest of his life.

                    But, and this is a big “but”, he isn’t very good. The first goal, although credited to Inzaghi, was not his goal. Pirlo’s free-kick hit him, if it had hit a defender and been deflected in, the goal would have been awarded to Pirlo, just like most of Frank Lampard’s goals. Amazingly, after the game Inzaghi claimed it was a rehearsed move, “I managed to do it against Empoli in the derby last year… Every now and again we manage to pull it off. We rehearse it with the manager,” he said.

                    Tim Rich, in the Telegraph is spot on with this assessment: “If you believe the advertising, the Champions League final is an event decided by the gods of the game - Kaka, Ronaldinho and Thierry Henry. Yet the decisive contributions have frequently been made by men more ordinary… Last night, Liverpool were overcome by two interventions from a centre-forward, Filippo Inzaghi, who is regarded by many students of Serie A as a lightweight. To quote Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson, he ‘was born offside’.”

                    Whilst it is difficult to disagree with Ferguson, for the second goal last night Pippo timed his run to perfection. Richard Williams in the Guardian writes, “His cunningly timed run left Liverpool’s defence stranded, and the way he turned to screw his shot past José Reina had the beauty of a carefully maintained machine, one with a low centre of gravity and a perfect aim.” In the same article Williams notes that “Pippo Inzaghi does not care how the goals go in, as long as they do.”

                    I must admit, I am not a fan of Inzaghi, I never have been. Nor is Johan Cruyff, who once said “He can’t actually play football… He just always seems to be in the right place.” Fellow Dutchman Jaap Stam accused Inzaghi and his brother Simone of being “diving cheats.” (Ironically, Stam would then become Pippo’s teammate at Milan for three seasons.) Yet, Inzaghi has 38 Champions League goals to his name as well as countless titles including a World Cup winners medal.

                    The importance of a natural goal poacher cannot be underestimated and some would argue in these days of super-fit strikers who can also defend (e.g. Didier Drogba), forwards like Inzaghi and Michael Owen are a dying breed. In last years final Thierry Henry missed a golden chance when Arsenal were one-up, if he had scored the Gunners would have been European Champions. In the same game, Ronaldinho, the world’s best player, was largely anonymous. Inzaghi took his only real chance last night and made an indelible mark on the game.

                    Ex-Arsenal striker Alan Smith notes in the Telegraph that “all Liverpool lacked on the night was a goalscoring hero, someone to provide the killer touch when they were on top.” The highest testament to Pippo Inzaghi is that if he was playing for Liverpool, “Big Ears” would be on its way back to Anfield.

                    (Kudos to Stephen Wolfe of Soccernet, who in September, correctly predicted that Filippo Inzaghi “will lead AC Milan to Champions League glory this season.”)
                    jokers to the right
                    clowns to the left of me


                      S u p e r j u


                        Algselt postitas vtp Vaata postitust
                        Õnnitlused ka minu poolt. Aga siiski...

                        "Ancelotti pidas Itaalia jalgpalli maine jaoks võitu väga tähtsaks"

                        Minu silmis jätkas küll Itaalia jalgpalli maine sellist langevat kurssi, sest seegikord olid mitmed mängijad otse teatrikoolist vist tulnud.
                        Neid teatrikoolimängijaid on igas liigas sadu! Ulu kuskil mujal edasi.

                        Õnnitlused Milanile.


                          Crudelit on siin juba piisavalt mainitud. Aeg esitleda Carlo Pellegati ooperit Pippo Mio!

                          Kui pilte vaja, siis tõmba siit ja kiika selle teema viimaseid lehekülgi.

                          Lisaks on veel pakkuda 18 min (200MB) hailaite, saabumine Milanosse ja tähistamist staadionil:
                          Algselt postitas Aleeeeeeex Del Piero
                          oh i'm very sorry for my clips. i didn't saw that the logo is so big. :crying2: now it's to late, i encoded and uploaded the video :ranting:
                          • * final whistle
                            * trophy presentation
                            * interview maldini
                            * interview berlusconi
                            * interview alonso
                            * interview ancelotti
                            * interview kaladze
                            * interview galliani
                            * interview blatter
                            * interview oddo / ambrosini
                          jokers to the right
                          clowns to the left of me


                            kus kohast milan-liverpool eelmist viinaali saaks sikutada?
                            see ei ole minu süü, et sa okaspuu oled

                            "joon palju ma tahan, aga ikka ta ei saa minust aru"

                            "Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


                              Algselt postitas Daz Booob Vaata postitust
                              kus kohast milan-liverpool eelmist viinaali saaks sikutada?
                              Võib-olla siit:
                              Algselt postitas Richie2710
                              As i still get a lot of requests to upload the Champions League final i decided to make a new topic of it and upload the files to Megaupload.

                              ( AC Milan - Liverpool) Captured from Dutch tv channel Ned2 NOS - Dutch comentary

                              1st half

                              Part I (165MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload

                              Part II (165MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload

                              Part III (165MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload
                              2nd half

                              Part I (165MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload

                              Part II (165MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload

                              Part III (165MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload
                              Extra time

                              1st half (170MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload

                              2nd half (170MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload
                              Penaltys (120MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload
                              Celebrations (180MB)

                              DOWNLOAD Megaupload

                              Võib-olla pakub sulle huvi näiteks see:
                              Algselt postitas chris.
                              English commentary Highlights of all Liverpool's European Cup Wins:

                              Liverpool vs Borussia M. (1977) -

                              Liverpool vs Club Brugge (1978) -

                              Liverpool vs Real Madrid (1981) -

                              Liverpool vs Roma (1984) -

                              Liverpool vs AC Milan (2005) -

                              Liverpool vs AC Milan (2007) - Coming Soon.
                              jokers to the right
                              clowns to the left of me

