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    Ärge nüüd sundige mind Charles "Charlie" Charlesi siia postitama jälle.
    armastan ma headust üle kõige vihkan lolle


      Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
      Vabandan teatmatuse pärast, aga kes see sell selline on?
      Parem igast itaallasest.
      the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
      because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


        on jah..krt inglismaa koondis on talente ja pallivõlureid ja virtuoose täis. See Charli või mis iganes oli kindlast parem kui Baggio või teised itaalia puujalad.


          Algselt postitas cannuman Vaata postitust
          on jah..krt inglismaa koondis on talente ja pallivõlureid ja virtuoose täis. See Charli või mis iganes oli kindlast parem kui Baggio või teised itaalia puujalad.

          Tore oleks, kui ta ?otlane ei oleks eksole ;D .

          Aga muidu olen ma suga n6us..., sees suhtes, et Inglastel l2ks yle pikka aja yks parimaid meeskondi lihtsalt t2nu yhele jobust treenerile ajataha...


            mis on ühist roberto baggiol ja šoti koondisel?

            kumbki pole maailmameistriks tulnud


              England Replace Expelled Spain At Euro 2008

              Spain have been sensationally expelled from this summer’s European Championships due to political reasons, and have been replaced by England.

              Several weeks ago Spain were warned by FIFA and UEFA that they risked suspension from international competition due to political interference in their FA’s elections.

              Football’s main governing bodies were up in arms over the Spanish government's request for the (Real Federación Española de Fútbol) RFEF to conduct its elections prior to the Beijing Olympics, as all non-competing Spanish sports organisations must do.

              The RFEF, however, has previously operated with four-year terms of administration, with the next election correctly slated for November.

              Spain refused to take the threat from FIFA and UEFA seriously, and they have now paid the ultimate price by being thrown out of Euro 2008.

              “We warned the Spanish government very clearly, through their Sports Council (CSD), that if they continue to interfere in footballing affairs that they will have to recognise that their national team will be excluded from international tournaments,” explained FIFA President Sepp Blatter.

              “They have deliberately and completely ignored our warnings and so we are left with no choice but to pull them out from Euro 2008.”

              Spain’s place at Austria and Switzerland has been taken by England, who are the highest ranked nation who did not qualify for the tournament.

              “Spain have been replaced by England, due to the fact that they are the highest ranked nation not in the Euros,” stated Blatter.

              “The football community welcome Fabio Capello’s squad, and we hope they will grasp this second-chance with both hands.”

              England will be in Group D, alongside European Champions Greece, Sweden, and Russia, who ironically pipped them to qualification originally.

              The Three Lions’ first game of the tournament will in fact be against Russia at the Tivoli-Neu Stadion in Innsbruck on June 10.

              England will be hoping for a repeat of Euro 92’, when Denmark were entered into the tournament late in the day after Yugoslavia had also been thrown out due to political reasons.

              Denmark went on to win the tournament, beating Germany in the final in Gothenburg 2-0.

              The news has been met by delight by former England manager Graham Taylor, who was in charge during Euro 92.

              "I believe we will win Euro 2008 now," said The Turnip.

              "There is no team in that tournament who we should fear. You name me a team who boasts our talent. I am utterly convinced that we will return from Switzerland with the trophy."


                Super! Imesid siiski juhtub.

                Ausalt öeldes suhtusin Hispaania eemaldamisse skeptiliselt (kuna Kreekaga oli kah kunagi sama jama, aga FIFA ei teinud lõpuks midagi),

                aga lõpuks ometi võttis FIFA aru pähe. Nüüd on vähemalt võimalus taas penaltitega välja kukkuda.


                  sellist jama on ikka väga raske kommenteerida

                  ma parem laulane cannumanile: isemoodi tüdruk oled, väljast hõrk ja muidu kole
                  kogu mu noorus möödub foorumis


                    aitäh serenaadi eest musi


                      no see on ikka lupelux uudis, lisaks ostis tanel padar endale hiinast pruudi ja shearer sai uuesti koondisekutse, inglismaa võidab EM'il MM tiitli ja olümpia jääb ka ära


                        Isegi kui see oleks tõsi... siis saaks koha Põhja-Iirimaa, kes on enivei tugevam, kui Inglismaa koondis
                        "You didn't realize that they had guns? Big, long, dangerous machine guns. With war criminals attached to the trigger."

                        RocknRolla (2008)


                          mis tõsi, see on puhas aprilli nali. See oli isegi uudise lõpus aga ma vist "unustasin" selle kopeerida


                            Koondis mängib hooaja lõpus huvi pärast paar mängu.
                            James (Portsmouth), Hart (Man City), Kirkland (Wigan), Bridge (Chelsea), Brown (Man Utd), A Cole (Chelsea), Ferdinand (Man Utd), Jagielka (Everton), Johnson (Portsmouth), Terry (Chelsea), Warnock (Blackburn), Wheater (Middlesbrough), Woodgate (Tottenham), Barry (Aston Villa), Beckham (LA Galaxy), Bentley (Blackburn), J Cole (Chelsea), Downing (Middlesbrough), Hargreaves (Man Utd), Huddlestone (Tottenham), Gerrard (Liverpool), Jenas (Tottenham), Lampard (Chelsea), Walcott (Arsenal), Young, Agbonlahor (both Aston Villa), Ashton (West Ham), Crouch (Liverpool), Defoe (Portsmouth), Owen (Newcastle), Rooney (Man Utd)

                            Silma hakkab Evertoni Phil Jagielka ja Blackburni Stephen Warnocki kaasamine. Samuti pole ammu nähtud Dean Ashtonit. David Wheater kevadel mingis nimekirjas figureeris, kuid kadus sealt kiiresti. Walcotti tagasitoomine vast kedagi ei hämmasta. Hää meel ka selle üle, et noortekoondisest võrsunud meestele nagu Huddlestone, Agbonlahor hakatakse vaikselt pilku peale heitma.
                            Usun, et päris paljud nimetatutest reaalselt neis mängudes USA ja Trinidad & Tobago vastu kaasa ei löö. Chelsea ja ManU mängijad eelkõige leiavad kergesti ettekäändeid.
                            the woman who hurt him must surely have trouble sleeping
                            because belle of st mark is a beauty extraordinaire


                              Capello on täiesti lolliks lä loodan, et see on nali.
                              Capello uus valik


                                Algselt postitas JanK Vaata postitust
                                Capello on täiesti lolliks lä loodan, et see on nali.
                                Capello uus valik
                                EEm ,oled sa seda venda n2inud mängimas?Ma arvan isegi hea valik oli proovida mingit Teise liiga mängjat.

